"I'll be there standing at your side. No worries." I hear a exhaled breath of relief from Grey.

"Tell me about our brother's mate and why is she being so difficult?" Now he has a laugh.

"Her name's Sophie, she comes from just the East of us, a very small pack that Thomas was visiting with friends. Seems our little brother waited for a good rain storm before he went and took her from her home. They couldn't track him, he was scentless in the rain. He dragged her kicking and screaming all the way back here. Took him a week. She's very upset."

"Thomas did that?"

"I couldn't believe it either. The Alpha of that pack is demanding compensation."

"Is she from the Alpha family?"


"Good, you owe them nothing."

"That's what I told the Alpha, I owe him nothing and if he wants her back he needs to come and get her. It's too late anyways Thomas already marked and has taken her virtue. She's ours now. We even branded her. That was slightly distressing for her but I think in time she'll come around to our way of thinking. Especially when a pup gets put in her belly."

"I can't even picture Thomas as a father, he's so young. She'll come around, they always do. You're lucky that she wasn't from the Far North they would have tracked him even in rain. They would have had a justifiable excuse to kill one of us. You need to be careful when dealing with them Grey. They aren't like us."

"I know that, FInian." He knows how much I hate my full name.

"Greyson, I'm just making sure you understand they are not what we are used to. I expect you to be the Alpha our father trained you to be when dealing with that pack. They will be able to smell weakness, and they will act on it instantly."

The line goes dead, he hung up on me. That doesn't settle well with me, I'm usually the one who hangs up first.

I know his full name irks him, mom named him Grey because he fell in the grey. Not Alpha born but not Beta born either. Thomas is a true Beta, Grey hovers somewhere in the middle.

A mournful howl goes up into the air breaking the silence of my room, another sorrowful howl goes up into the air, followed by more howls. It's a dedicated howl, unique in its own way, long and soulful it speaks of death.

Female screams from the outside of the house. Running out of my room, flying down the stairs. It seems the house has vacated it's, occupants.

The deep grey's and browns of the Beta wolves and some higher ranked wolves greet my eyes as I run outside. They all look towards me with a flash of teeth.

"What's happened?" I'm confused about what's going on.

"It's the Alpha, he died." No time to grieve as I have to take a defensive stance towards the oncoming wolves.

Anarchy, senseless chaos.

Wolves need hierarchy without that structure the pack will fold into itself.

Noses wrinkled back, large canines exposed. The Betas combined forces against me, then they will turn on each other, last wolf standing is the new Alpha. Already bodies are littering the ground, the blood of life saturating into the ground.

"I don't want this fight, I don't care who wins. I'm not going to fight you." Still, they approach slowly spreading out, circling around me as if I am their prey.

I will never be hunted, I am the hunter!

Skittish eyes from females watch from the outskirts, they have no hope of any kind of furthering their line, it's up to their mates to make them more than what they were born to be.

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