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[malay, indonesian → the start, a new beginning] 

Maya set across of Tahira, her hands curled tight around the mug of coffee in front of her. She leaned back against the chair, her head tilting forward as she brought the mug to her lips, taking a few sips of the coffee she ordered.

The morning wind ruffled her hair, the air smelled of fresh-cut grass and herbs—maybe it was because the café was located near a small garden, where flowers bloomed under the beautiful sun. Clearing her throat, Maya spat, "Why did you call me?"

Tahira shrugged, "I thought that you'd wanna meet him," She smiled a little, revealing a row of shiny white teeth as she spoke again, "If you don't want to, I understand."

"What's the point?" Maya set the mug back on the table, her arms crossed over her chest as she set it down. "Even if I meet him, it's no use! He have forgotten me, Tahira—all the time we have spent with each other, is all gone. There's no more Nathan and Maya now, I'm just Maya." 

Her heart skipped a beat after saying that. It's funny how saying a word can cause pain to your heart, especially when it was about someone you loved. "You told me that he wouldn't remember me, so what's the point?"

Maya realised that she had raised her voice too high but she couldn't help it. Why would she talk go talk to him when he don't even remember who she is? It will all just make it worst. Tahira looked at Maya, wide-eyed.

"I'm trying to help you,"

Maya rolled her eyes, already teary. "Help me? How would meeting him help me?"

"I wanna bring you both back together, Maya!" Tahira shot a daring look at Maya, her voice louder than before, "I just want you to have a happy ending!"

"A happy ending?" Maya let out a sardonic laugh, "There's no such thing as a happy ending!" Maya looked away, her eyes meeting Nathan's—who was standing outside with his hands in his pocket, just like he always used to do when he was nervous. Was he here to meet her? Or is she just seeing things?

With her eyes still fixed on Nathan, Maya breathed out. "Happy endings are lies,"

The Man Who Left | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora