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[latin → relax, loosen]

When she opened her eyes, she saw the ocean. Hearing a loud thud beside her, she cocked her head sideways. She pushed the door beside her open and went outside, letting the warm, salty air of summer breeze through her.

"Welcome to San Diego!" Emily raised her hands high, smiling.

Maya smiled, looking around her. A small house stood elegant in front of her—the walls white in colour with large glass windows around it. It reminded her so much of home—the petite, wooden fences that surrounded the house, the tiny garden of greens and the patio along the corridors—it really did remind her home.

"Is this your house?" Maya asked, her voice soft.

"No, it's my mom's,"

"Oh," Maya looked down. "I thought you lived with your mom in LA—didn't know you had a house in San Diego though,"

Emily smiled, "It's an old house—it's been empty for years,"


"You don't wanna come inside?" Emily raised one of her eyebrows, a small smile plastered on her face. She looked tired—her face sulky, her eyes wary.


Emily pushed the door open right after unlocking it, sending little dust particles dancing in the air as she did it. "Sorry, it's kinda dusty,"

Maya walked in, her eyes scanning the area. It looked cosy—only a set of poised white sofa in presence, a small wooden table in the middle and a tall lamp in the corner. She landed on the sofa heavily, exhaling in relief. "This place is beautiful!"

"You think so?" Emily frowned in surprise.

"It reminds me so much of home," Maya frowned, her voice sorrow. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today,"

Emily sighed, approaching Maya. "I know how you feel, Maya. It hurts but sometimes—in life, we just have to let things go,"

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