New Found Friendships

Start from the beginning

I was brought back down to reality as I caught Matthew peering through the glass at me with those mesmerising earthly green eyes of his. I could bask in his gaze forever and it still wouldn't be long enough. His eyes were soft yet protected, they were emotional yet detached, terrified but pushing towards courageous and loving although guarded. I could obtain a vast amount of information from him after just one single gaze it was scary. I don't even think he knows how intuitive I am. He seems to be a basket of mix emotions today, as though going through a midlife crisis. He is such a confusing character, I have yet to fully discover all the hidden depths of him, but believe me when I say that I will discover every inch of him one day.

My eyes were re-directed to his wet, slippery, glossy, red lips which were getting sexier by the minute.

"Are you going to leave me hanging all day?" he asked with a smirk spreading across his face. I opened the window allowing him to jump in.

"Can you at least act human in the daylight? What if somebody saw you?"

He smirked again, something he hadn't done in a while something I missed.

"No one saw, you are such a little worry wart I think you have actually out done me, now that is an accomplishment in with itself," he chuckled as he took my hand, I love the feeling of his warm fingers tickling my skin with light burning butterfly flames. I haven't felt this much for the last few months, I am glad to feel it again. I had been wondering how long I would have to wait to feel his touch properly again. He pulled me towards the window and over his back. I hope no one is watching, I know he would never do anything to risk his secret but you can never be too careful. With one bound we landed on the ground with a light thud. He opened my door allowing me to slide inside, shutting it lightly behind me. As he got in he pulled a small gathering of Freesia flowers and handed them to me.

"For you, just a little way of saying I love you."

Aw he was so romantic and sweet.

"How did you know I like Freesias?" I asked pleasantly surprised.

He smirked again, making me smile. "I know everything there is to know about you."

As I know everything about him, I pay 100% attention to everything Matthew says or does, just call me encyclopaedia Matthew. I giggled to myself, did I just call myself an encyclopaedia? I guess I did.

We were now on the road to his home thankfully we were just walking up the mountains today, I don't think I am ready for another one of his runs. I haven't been on another one since we had been taking Alistair to meet Eliza. We had just been driving up the mountain and walking the rest of the way. It took longer, but I found it much preferable as at least that way it didn't overwhelm my senses. And each time I slipped or almost fell Matthew was always there to catch me, and those moments are what has gotten me through our dry spell the last few months.

We arrived in a short time at the foot of the mountain, I looked up the mountain for the first time knowing we had to leave his car here to make it easier for us to get back. The weather hasn't been great the last few days and the car may get stuck which would mean Matthew would have to run with me all the way back to my family's cottage and that was not a thought I wanted to have. The mountain was so steep, such a long, high climb. Maybe a walk wasn't such a good idea after all, I could just imagine me stumbling behind Matthew, falling over countless times, and most likely hurting myself and ripping my clothes. At least before I just had to walk across the mountain, but climb all the way up? The more I think about it, the more Matthew's runs sounded appealing, and at least they don't last long. And to be honest even if we did attempt to take the car so far up we couldn't as it was wearing down his tyres and he's already had to replace them a few times already.

Lethal LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now