:Chapter 41:

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School had ended. I was incredibly bored as I held the box from underneath my parents floor in my hand. I wanted to know how to open the damn thing. I looked at the key hole and sighed. They couldn't keep a key under the floor too? I don't know why my parents had to be so complicated.

'Everyone is complicated in their own way.' I rolled my eyes. Right then my phone started to ring. I looked at it, in black letters it read Orchid and a picture of Orchid was there with a smile on her face. I hit the answer button.

"Hi Orchid." "I got some news sorta good sorta bad." "Ok go on." "Well the DNA you gave me. I ran some tests on it." "Do you know what it is?" "Yes the good news is I know what it is the bad news is what it is." "What is it?" "Isabella it's hellhound DNA. They were gonna try to create hybrids. I don't think that rogue attack was random. Somewhere in hell you got someone really out to get you. So far as getting your parents murders and making rogues into hybrids." "Oh. Can you come over with the stuff." "Yeah. I'll be there soon."

With that I ended the call. 'Well hot damn.' 'Don't you have like some big book on who leaves hell?' 'No I don't. It could be anyone really. Well of the demons that can temporally leave hell. But I do know someone that can get you access to that.' 'Who?' 'Pexhar. He sometimes watches who leaves hell.'

Pexhar. 'The hellhound?' 'Yeah the one you found hot. But yeah when he gets bored he watches the soul income. He won't be able to give you who leaves but he can tell you when hells rift is damaged when a demon leaves.'

That is enough. This might work. 'When can he help?' 'In maybe a month or two. He is a very busy hellhound. One of the best actually. I trust him way more than any of them. But he is booked the entire time for in and out collecting souls. When he's not doing that he's an ass and getting him to work with humans is hard enough. But I'll check in with him.' 'Thanks.' Satan was probably smiling or something of the sort. I set the box up on my dresser and looked at my dresser as my doorbell rang.

"Isabella! Orchid is here!" Ryne yelled. "Send her up!" I yelled back. "Got it!" Ryne yelled back. I brought down my Mother's jewelry box and set it down on my bed. Orchid ran up here her ginger hair bouncing around her in tumbled curls.

Orchid wore a cat dress and some flats and tights. Her hair was down leaving her curls to be at whatever level they desired. Orchid had some lab equipment. "I brought the stuff." Orchid said coming over to the bed and sitting down and setting it up. I glanced at my Mom's box and decided to check it later.

"Ok." I told her. "So this is regular wolf DNA." Orchid said getting one of those film things and showing me. I looked in. 'You have no idea what she is even showing you.' 'Nope.' "This is werewolf DNA. It's between humanoid DNA and wolf DNA." Orchid explained.

I nodded. "This hellhound DNA. It is an unknown DNA. But I recognized the canine DNA and the demon strands so I connected it to hellhound DNA." Orchid explained. I nodded. Orchid put away her things. "I'm guessing they were trying to create some more hybrids. But it confuses me since rogues are weak." Orchid said.

"Agreed there. Typically you'd use a strong wolf or even hellhound to make it." I told her. "To make a chimera." Orchid said. I nodded. "What's the boxes about?" Orchid asked looking at the jewelry box. "This one is my Mom's jewelry box and I found that one under the floor in my old house but it's locked and Dalton couldn't even get it unlocked. There's no key." I told her. "You want to look in the jewelry box with me?" I asked. Orchid nodded. 'I'm gonna go and let you girls be girls. I don't want caught up in that.'

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