:Chapter 3:

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"So the rogue master mind is at Lucas's house?" Orchid asked as she handed me the bowl of popcorn as the illegally downloaded movie Assassin's Creed came on. I may be a dealer of justice but I was also Satan's Vessel and a girl who didn't want to pay money to see the newer movies. 'Lazy.' 'You are the lazy one! You sit on your ass all day in your big ole human bone throne!' 'That time of month Izzybella!' 'Shut up you co-' Our connection was snapped as Satan cut it with a laugh.

"Yeah. Lucas is gonna show him the hunter way of getting knowledge." I told Orchid with a grin. Orchid nodded before returning her gaze to Assassin's Creed that was now on. 'You are watching a movie about an assassin and you are an assassin. Satan's Assassin!' Satan then began snickering making me roll my eyes. After that I focused on the movie taking bites of popcorn with me. I had a day to myself with or without Orchid until Ryne and Enyr got home. Ryne and Enyr went to New York City two days ago for some meeting. Or job. Something like that.
There was a knock on the door near the end of the movie. "I'll pause it and you go get it." Orchid said staring at me as she hit pause. Groaning I pushed myself up and made my way to the white door. I peeped through the peephole to make sure it wasn't an angry rogue or anything like that. 'Got to be cautious.' No angry rogue.

Opening the door I stepped outside to greet Dalton. Yeah Dalton. Dalton stood there his black hair combed back and his hair messily across his face. He was wearing a red and black flannel shirt and his leather jacket along with a pair of designer skinny jeans that were black with three white stripes on each leg. 'You know you are thinking how hot he is.' 'No I am not.' 'Are too.' 'Am n-'

"Hey Isabella." Dalton said disrupting Satan and I's argument giving Satan the time to cut the connection. Remember Isabella be nice not a bitch. I offered Dalton a smile. "Hi Dalton." I said forcing a smile. Dalton began sniffing the air. "Are you ok? I smell blood." Dalton said grabbing my arms in look for wounds. "Yes I am fine." I told him snatching my arms away from him and glaring. Dalton looked confused for a moment before he went red. "I, uh, sorry." Dalton whispered his head hanging down. 'Look you made him sad.'

"It's ok. You just worried." I said awkwardly. I opened the door and motioned him in assuming he wanted to talk about something. We walked past Orchid who was engrossed in the movie. I brought Dalton to the kitchen and we sat down in the chairs near the wooden mahogany table. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked offering him a smile. 'Good. Be nice and welcoming.' 'I'm gonna be nice and welcoming while I kick your ass.'

"We had some rogue activity near the edges of our territory. We found some dead bodies and a bloody trail." Dalton said looking at me seriously. "Near a big stone building?" I asked hoping it wasn't what I thought he found. Dalton nodded. Damn it. "Yeah I know about it," I started. "Should we try to find the culprits?" Dalton asked. "Your looking at one." I told Dalton. "We were sent to capture some mastermind rogue. We took out his squad that was escorting him out. We left the bodies behind for them to know that we are on to them. They just don't know who yet." I told Dalton. 'Very professional.' 'Shut up.'

"Ok. So we don't have to worry about some crazed killer on the lose?" Dalton asked. "No killers today. Maybe some other day." I said with a grin towards Dalton. "One day." Dalton said noticing the humor. We were always dealing with a supernatural force one day a human killer will come to town and we will take care of that. 'A bullet in their head and then they go to hell were I can torture them.' For this you had to cue Satan's evil laughter. It was creepy. But I had been dealing with it for about nine years.

Dalton brushed aside some of his hair and his eyes glazed over. I believe that was when they were mind-linking with each other. 'Or his wolf.' Could be. Dalton then shook his head. "So Orchid is here I assume?" Dalton asked with a small smile. "Yeah keeping me company. Ryne and Enyr are in New York city. They'll be coming home tomorrow." I told Dalton. "The Hunter's Organization." Dalton guessed which I nodded too. 'Dun, dun, dun!' I rolled my eyes mentally at Satan. He was so dramatic sometimes.

"Well thank you for answering some questions for me." Dalton said getting up with a smile. "No problem. Sorry if it scared you and your pack." I replied getting up. "We are use to rogue problems. There is always that one brave rogue." Dalton said with a hint of a smile. "Or pack." I said reminding him of the war that they had. 'I love war. But a bad truce is better than good war.'

When Nico first found Angel she was a rogue, but not anymore, she was a pack member. After she opened up she revealed why she ran. They planned on mating her to a rogue Alpha. The rogues were to come for Angel and take her back and Nico wasn't having any part of it. Black Crescent Moon was gonna fight to protect her, pack is special to wolves. The rogues declared war and they went to war. 'We crushed them!' That was true.

"Well thanks for telling me about the rogues you guys took out. Next time could you tell me for I don't believe there is some crazed killer?" Dalton asked biting his lip. "Yeah." I told Dalton offering him a smile. Dalton smiled before leaning forward and hugging me. 'So cute.' I decided to let Dalton hug me from now on, he seemed disappointed if I rejected so I let him even though it felt weird.

"See you in school tomorrow." Dalton said pulling back and giving me a heartbreaking smile that I am sure has broken many hearts. I nodded and with that Dalton turned around and made his way to his Lamborghini. Dalton looked at me and waved before he got in. Then he drove off back to his place probably. 'Talk about lonely and clingy.' 'Am not.'

With that I shut the door. I made my way back to the living room where the end credits to Assassin's Creed was playing. "What did lover boy want?" Orchid asked raising an eyebrow. "They found some rogue bodies we left behind. Just came to check on it." I told Orchid plopping down on the leather sofa next to her. Orchid nodded. "Well we'll be watching Push next." Orchid said getting up and grabbing her long skirt with her. I smiled liking this small piece of normal I get on Sundays.

1205. Hey so sorry about the long wait. I don't have WiFi until Tuesday so I am using my Mom's hotspot. But it's hard since I have banners and all sorts of things so expect a big chapter update. 2-4 chapters in total. Until next time my patient marshmallows.

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