:Chapter 2:

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"So this is one of the dresses I like. It is a pregnancy dress since my stomach is getting bigger." Alana said with a grin as she showed Kadan and I a dress. We were at some dress store with Alana. The Valentine dance was coming up and Alana was looking for dresses, specifically cute pregnancy dresses since she had a baby girl on the way. 'Kadan is so nervous. I wonder if he has read any pregnancy books yet?'

The nervous part was defiantly true about Kadan. I don't know what he was nervous about though, Alana having their baby or Alana and her moodiness. Alana was having lots of mood swings, she was making Kadan watch anime with her and all her girl shows too. I was so happy Isabella wasn't into girl shows and had sorta been breaking away from anime I still catch her watching it but not as much as she used to.

I'm not even sure if Isabella even watches T.V. at all. 'We should ask her next time we see her.' 'You can do that.' 'Ok.' "It looks lovely Alana. We just have to find a tie that matches your dress." Kadan said playing to Alana's good side. Alana nodded before folding the dress. The dress was a very lovely dress that was multiple colors. The top half was a raspberry pink then it went to an orange-pink then a raspberry pink then a red then the orange pink then the raspberry pink then for the last part red.

The clerk said this dress had elastic bands so she'd both be able to wear it pregnant and after she have birth. The dress was a formal-casual dress so Alana would be able to wear more than the dance. "Has Isabella been looking for a dress?" Alana asked before she handed Kadan the dress. 'Oh we should ask Isabella that too.' I mentally sighed at Ash who seemed to just want to ask questions to Isabella. 'There is nothing wrong with wanting to know stuff with about our future girlfriend.'

Putting Isabella and girlfriend together seemed like a magical thing and I couldn't wait for it to happen one day. "I don't know yet. I'll ask her next time I see her." I told Alana with a smile. "She better be going to the dance." Alana said as Kadan got up and the two went to buy the dress. I got up too and followed them since I had no reason to be here.

The two purchased the dress before heading outside to get in the car. Kadan helped Alana into the passengers seat before going towards me. "Hey thanks for helping me out with Alana today. I appreciate it. If you never need help feel free to ask." Kadan said giving me a grin. I nodded. "Drive carefully Kadan." I told him as he got into the drivers seat. He grinned before shutting the door. 'They are so happy together.'

Yes it was so interesting. I remembered when the two first met. Kadan worked hard to earn Alana's trust and affection. Which was common but he worked harder. When you find your mate the wolf chooses it or rejects it, you won't know if the wolf rejects it. If the wolf rejects the human won't be aware of it and another mate will eventually appear the human unaware of having a previous mate. But if the human rejects the mate there is no second chance mate, you have to get a mate the old fashioned way. 'Humans reject for stupid reasons.'

The wolf chooses a mate for very specific reasons. The top one is for mating, the wolf will chose a mate that will be good for mating to create healthy and well pups. Another one will be how compatible the two will be together, you need equableness in a werewolf relationship. Like if an Alpha, Beta or Gamma were to get out of line and become overconfident their mate would defiantly show them otherwise. Females tended to rule in the werewolf world. Which was why werewolves had a harder time functioning mate wise when woman's rights weren't there.

Audrey was healthy enough to mate with Akira besides her lung cancer, there wasn't anything wrong with her except the cancer which wouldn't pass to any pups. The pups would be werewolf and their body would heal cancer cells. 'I hope the bite works. Audrey wasn't that bad just a girl in the wrong situation and she defended Isabella with a pillow.' That was true.

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