:Chapter 17:

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Dalton watched me as I put in some coins which in return gave me tokens. 'Isabella this isn't what you came here for.' 'I just want to have some fun.' Satan sighed giving up as I went over to the arcade. "Are you sure you don't wanna go do some research check around to see if we can find some clues?" Dalton asked.

"Ok I'll make a deal. A few games then we'll go do some research for a few hours or if you can knock down all of those dummies in the time of the game I will give the research undivided attention." I told him looking at the game. I never got them all down so how would Dalton knock them down? It's a win-win situation. 'That's what you think.'

"Ok then." Dalton said taking some tokens and walking over to the game and putting them in. "Hope your ready to do some research. Don't worry we'll get in on the action later." Dalton said giving me an angelic smile. He was trying to get to me! 'You are gonna end up doing research.' 'Keep telling yourself that.' Dalton put in the tokens as balls rolled down and the little dummies came up. Then the game began and Dalton began chucking the balls at the game.
I glared intensely at Dalton as we walked out of the arcade all the tokens still in my hand. "I bet you cheated." I told him with a grumble. Dalton laughed. "Don't be a sore loser." Dalton said poking me making me jump and glare. 'Told ya.' 'Shut up Satan.' Dalton and I walked back to the suit while I stored my tokens away.

"I believe we should go through some files that I brought along with me. Then look some of it up. We could even ask people or go to your old house." Dalton said. My old house. God I didn't want to that just yet. I had that buried. 'It'll come up and eat you alive one day.' I shook my head. "We'll go through the files and the web. See what we can find and if there is a pattern." I told him as we began walking back to the suit.

Dalton nodded as we walked back quietly. 'Some conversation would be nice you know.' 'Maybe I am not in the mood for a conversation.' Dalton looked at me and offered a small smile as we headed up to the suite to where we had set up the place. "I'm gonna go get the files and my computer." Dalton said before going off to his room. I nodded and went into the kitchen and to the fridge. Flimur wasn't here he was at home but I wonder if Dalton could cook.

I hope he could or we'd be wasting this food and getting takeout. I opened the fridge and took out some chocolates that were in there. I loved chocolates. They were so delicious. Sadly the Valentine's things were beginning to fade and go to Easter. 'Agreed there.' I brought the chocolates out and went to the table.

Dalton came out holding his weird tablet-laptop computer thing along with a bunch of files. 'I wonder what is in there that we haven't read since Dalton brought you to the pack library.' Dalton set things down before sitting next to me. "So I dug a little deeper into the whole rogue attack and got some more files on it and some statements of survivors of the attack. Human and supernatural." Dalton said opening a file and handing it to me.

I grabbed it and began skimming over the first encounter which was a human male. He had come home to work for dinner with his family. They heard howling before a wolf broke down the door and mauled the family and he barely survived before managing to call 911. Well that's one attack.

I went to another one which was a werewolf report. A scout had been on duty and was ambushed by a pair of rogues they managed to mind-link some warriors which in the end saved their life. Ok I was trying to find a pattern but was failing right now. 'Maybe you need to dig deeper?' I ran a hand through my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Lot harder than you thought?" Dalton asked staring at me resulting in me nodding at him. "I'm not used to all of this looking into things. I'm an executer hunter. I'm given a file about my target what I'm suppose to do then I do it. I don't usually have this complicated of a job. Mostly I will have some sort of lead. All we have is some sort of DNA." I said.

Dalton looked at me and I swore a lightbulb went up over his head. "Orchid is studying the DNA on what it is right?" Dalton asked. I nodded. "Maybe the DNA is a clue to who gave it to them. It's not like a human or werewolf would give it to them." Dalton said. 'I like the way he thinks.' "That is a good idea. I'll give Orchid a call before I got to bed on if she had discovered what the DNA is." I told him.

Dalton nodded before running a hand through his jet black locks. "You don't do this either." I told him with a smirk. "Nope that's my Dad's job until I take over the Alpha position." Dalton said. "And when will you do that?" I asked curious. "When I feel ready and that will not be for awhile." Dalton said. 'Seems as if he is nervous to be Alpha.' 'Wouldn't you be?' 'Nope I'm already king of hell.' Satan smirked at me before cutting our connection.

"Plus I plan on having some sort of life before I go off and sell myself to the pack." Dalton said with a slight smile. "Is it really that bad?" I asked. "Sometimes it's hell sometimes it's not. There's a lot to do but at that same time barely anything." Dalton said. I nodded. "You got to make sure your not gonna be at war with other packs constantly. Keep rogues in check. Make sure your pack is fit for anything." Dalton said.

"Lot of pressure?" I asked. Dalton nodded. "But in the end I you have a Beta, Gamma, and sometimes a Delta to back you up. Then the Luna." Dalton said staring at me weirdly. 'He wants you to be his Luna!' 'Ok Satan if I was even a werewolf I wouldn't be a Luna. I'd be an Alpha female. Not some Luna. So suck on that.' Dalton watched me.

"What's the difference between an Alpha female and Luna?" I asked. "Lunas are usually the Alpha's mate a Alpha Female is a female Alpha they can also be a Luna." Dalton said. I nodded. I'd be adding that to my journal. 'You still haven't finished the demon section.' 'Oh my god I swear there are more demons then animals. Like your demon world could have it's own book when I have time.' 'He, he. But just little info in your journal.' I sighed.

Suddenly I felt this force hit me like bricks and I knew Dalton felt it too. It was a rabid, unstable feeling. I knew that feeling too well. Rogues. Dalton and I communicated through a single look and I was up looking for the dagger I had hidden. I didn't need to go shooting up the place. That'd attract too much attention.

I found my dagger and motioned for Dalton to slip out the door with me. When we slipped out the feral unstable feeling got worse but I followed it sucking it up. I heard voices when we rounded around the corner. I peeked over to see three rogues, and I mean rogues.

I had classified rogues in my own version. You had different levels this was like level E, standing for end. They looked very messy their hair disheveled and in very messy clothing. They reeked of blood and sweat. 'I hate the scent of rogues of this level.' "Did you tell him that we found the hunter?" One of them asked. The other one nodded.

"Yeah she's here with the want-to-be soon-to-be Alpha." One said answering the other one. A small growl emerged from Dalton's throat. I had stopped hitting Dalton and being so aggressive but I hit him right there. He was gonna alert them and I needed to know more. Dalton gave me the look of a puppy that got kicked even though I barely hit him. I rolled my eyes.

"What does he want us to do?" One of them asked. "Divert her attention. Not let her find out what this is all about. Coming from the source of what's going to make us strong." The other one said with a smirk. That's what he thought. 'You go girl.' "What are we gonna do?" Dalton whispered his voice very low. "I'm gonna kill them." I said holding my dagger.

"Stay behind me and don't get in the way." I told him before pushing myself up. Dalton nodded as we got ready to engage.

1528. Ha! A cliffhanger. Sorry bout the wait. I should be back on track now. I just have been trying to settle with my new phone. It's different. I upgraded from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 5s. Maybe I'll make Isabella do that too. He, he. The fight will be in the next chapter so stay tuned. Until next time new and old marshmallows.

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