:Chapter 33:

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It was a Monday and my mind was anywhere but in school. It was back in the tree when the rogues ambushed Dalton and his family. I heard howling so Lucas and I went to check it out. We went through the trees like normal and came across a big rogue fighting scene.

I clenched my fist tightening my hold on the lead pencil I was holding. 'Don't break the poor pencil.' I took in a deep breath and went back to writing the practice essay. The stupid exam for English was coming up so all we were doing was practice tests and essays.

Like teacher get something else for us to do before I die of boredom. I swear I'm going to. 'It is impossible to die from boredom.' 'I just want this damn class to end. After this I have a few more classes then school is over.' I was gonna raid everything I brought home from my parents place for a key to the box. I was even going to grill Ryne and Enyr on the night almost ten years ago. I wanted to know why those rogues attacked that night. Not wanted, I need to know why they attacked.

It could be a big clue to this equation. I was surprised I hadn't gotten anymore The First threats or hybrid threats. I was dealing with rogues which in hunters eyes was normal. But honestly I'd take some hybrids over them. At least I know what they want. Well sorta.

Some want to kill me some want to drag me back to their master. But when I encountered a hybrid I knew what to expect. 'Of course you do. They have been attacking you for over a year now.' I continued to write the practice essay and eyed the clock. So close. I just wanted this day to end.

I looked over where Dalton was hunched over his desk. I eyed his body knowing he might have some healing bites. He might scar he might not. Dalton now had a scar on his ankle from the rogue Alpha. I personally thought it looked nice on him. All the hunters I knew had scars. My brothers stomachs were covered in bite marks from the attack. Enyr didn't care for them and Ryne told me he thought his scars were sexy. I bet his girlfriend did too. I smirked at the thought of the girl.

'Least Ryne won't be a loner his entire life.' That was true. Enyr had plans of moving in with Lucas once I came to be an adult. Lucas lived right down the street. Lucas was younger than Enyr and pretty much admitted to me he was on the bottom. I tried to get the image out of my head before concentrating on my work. Just ten more minutes. I twirled my pen around looking at the damn essay I was writing.

I quickly finished up the ending of the essay before putting away the pen in my pencil bag. I looked around the classroom where the sub sat in the chair. If only she was a rogue that I could kill. 'You would torture her ass.' 'That I would.' I smirked at the teacher who was reading some boring love novel, unaware that if she had been born a rogue werewolf I would kill her.

I stretched my fingers to get out the cramps from holding the pen. I was bored as fuck. 'You want a lecture on a demon species?' I blocked our connection not wanting to suffer that torture. I looked back at the clock. Only five minutes.
I shoved things inside my locker as I took out my homework. I'd organize it later. After getting my things in I shut my locker and was greeted by Nico. I didn't jump but simply raised an eyebrow as Nico smiled at me.

Nico's platinum blonde hair was slightly messy and his eyes vibrant. School was the only time Angel wasn't at his side. Angel wasn't seen fit enough to go to school since she grew up in the rogue life. Nico taught her basic things though so she wouldn't get bored. Currently he was teaching her how to read.

'She reads those cute kid books.' That she did. "Anything you want?" I asked. "Was gonna ask what you got on the rogues." Nico said. "Follow me outside." I told him as we walked away and out into the nippy air. I brought us to a bench. "I think they are specifically targeting me. They slashed my tires." I told him.

Nico nodded. "Any ideas on why they are specifically targeting you?" Nico asked. "Haven't got that far but I am going through a whole bunch of things." I told Nico who nodded. 'If only you knew where they key was.' My luck it was hidden somewhere in that hole where I found the box. I'm hoping it's in one of the books.

"Ok. I have to get going. I'll see you later." Nico said as he got up. I nodded and waved to him and told him to tell everyone I said hi. After that I hurried over to my bike and got on it and started it up. I got on my helmet and clipped it on before pushing some of my bangs into it so that wouldn't get caught. I had my hair up thankfully, I didn't need motorcycle hair.

'That is not pleasant hair.' I agreed with that. I started up my bike which gave a roar and a few people looked at me. I was used to that. When I was younger and heard a motorcycle I was always looking for it. I looked around and caught a hint of Dalton leaning against his death trap AKA Lamborghini. Well his second one. The first one was stolen by a rogue then the rogue got crushed upon impact. Death trap. Dalton said his didn't have the fiberglass anymore, it might not have it but I wasn't a sports car person. 'You never have been from the years I have known you.'

I enjoyed my mustang and loved my Harley. I rode my Harley whenever I had the chance too. I waved at Dalton and put on my sunglasses before backing up my bike and then going off back to my place.

The ride was maybe ten minutes with the wind blowing in my face. Thankfully I remembered my sunglasses. I saw my house pull up and rode right into the driveway. I lived in one of those condo house. Four houses exactly. I knew everyone there too. 'Hey two of them moved there on purpose.' I smiled at that.

Lucas and Derik had a house here that they rented so we would be close to each other. Then Kadan's parents owned a house here. The place was nice and was quiet. There was a forest in the back and we had a fenced in yard for all of us. The dogs loved it. Derik's basement was similar to mine where we stored weapons and had a place to keep hostages. Lucas's was different, he hosted training so his was designed like a training room. We were all doing rent to own.

Derik didn't mind it here and neither did Lucas. We might of all found a place to settle down in. I turned off my bike and put the stand down and locked it in and threw the cover over it before heading up the steps but stopped upon seeing a falling apart box. Not a single mail thing was on it confusing me. I was very careful as I peeked in to see if their was a bomb. Nothing. 'I am getting a bad feeling about this.' I was too but I had to know what was in the box.

Grabbing the box I tore it open and stopped upon seeing a bracelet. It was a steel bracelet and upon looking at it closer I read the initials AK. I froze completely and my chest tightened up before I hit the porch feeling a whole wave of emotions coming on as tears whelmed up.

It was the bracelet my Mother wore the day she died.

1356. That's so sad but go head and give out your predictions on what you think. Until next time bracelet marshmallows.

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