:Chapter 5:

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I slammed my foot into the rogue's ribcage and a nice crack came with it as I took out another one of his ribs. Dalton was standing in the cage watching me in both horror and interest. "Now are we gonna speak about what you and your Asshat friends are planning?" I asked crouching down onto the rogues level. 'Asshat. That's a new one for my book of Isabella's odd swear words.' I rolled my eyes at Satan before focusing back on the rogue mastermind.

"What don't you come a little closer doll face." The rogue said with a smirk. I smiled at him then came a little closer. Grabbing his arm I let some of the flames heat up my hand then the rogue began to scream as I burned him. Dalton sighed before walking over to me. "Let me try." Dalton said. Reluctantly I let Dalton go do his Alpha thing. 'Wow Isabella let someone take over. Woah he must be special to you, Ha, ha.'

"Do you know why your here?" Dalton asked crouching in front of the rogue. The rogue simply snarled. "He's here because he's was reported to have some basic info on some stuff." I told Dalton. 'And you just informed him on this.' I know! Dalton glared at me. Woah he had never done that before. Then he mouthed sorry before going back to the rogue.

"All you have to do is tell her what she wants to know then this will be all over." Dalton said looking at the rogue. "Fuck you pretty boy." The rogue said before violently laughing. Yeah this dude was crazy. Dalton then grabbed his neck. "What pack position were you before you went rogue." Dalton said. I looked at him then noticed his eyes were gold. 'Ash is out! The wolf that really likes you and tends to get hor-' I shut out Satan after that.

When the rogue didn't answer Ash dug is lengthened nails into his neck. "I asked a question. I expect an answer." Ash growled out. The rogue began to whine which completely shocked me. I had broken his ribs and he didn't do that! "I was a pack doctor. A degree in both doctoring and science." The rogue let out with a whine. Ash nodded. 'Woah.'

"Such a shame you went rogue. Pack doctor is well respected position. A vital part to the pack. What do the rogues want you to do? You don't seem like the one who would run with other rogues after going rogue." Ash asked. "They'll kill me if I tell." The rogue said as tears came. I rolled my eyes. "They can't get you here. The windows are bulletproof and so are the walls. And two hunters live here." I told him.

Derik and Lucas were roomies, the two enjoyed each others company. But Lucas was always at my place anyway getting all gay with my brother. It's not that they were gay but he was my brother and when I tried to watch a movie with Ryne, Enyr, and Lucas, Enyr and Lucas were too busy sucking each others faces off. Even Ryne got frustrated. 'Ha. Wanna know something funny. Lilith likes boys and so does Lucas!' 'You have said this before.' 'It's still funny!'

"A man appeared to the head rogue. He offered him the vials saying it'd increase the strength of us. The head rogue accepted but was having me study them. That's what the brief case is full of." The rogue admitted. Ash nodded and took out his claws from his neck. "I hope you don't plan on ever going back to them. Maybe you can start new one day." Ash said. "One day." He whispered. Ash went back to me his eyes a blaring gold.

"I assume you got enough information. No more kicking him." Ash said. I pouted. 'You really need to find another way to release your inner aggression.' 'Says the person that tortures people for fun.' 'Hey it was what they had coming from their choices in their life.' I sighed but nodded. Lucas and Derik were outside the cell, Lucas holding his improved crossbow and Derik with his double barrel shotgun.

Ash and I exited the cell with the rogue silent. It was weird, Lucas said most of the time he was screaming. The cell was soundproof but security cameras were set up so Lucas watched those. "You got some information. Now Dalton and I are gonna leave." I told them. "Be careful. And tell Enyr I said hi." Lucas said giving me a smirk. Lucas knew being all affectionate with Enyr around me irritated me so he purposely did it.

I shook my head before leading Ash out of the basement and up into the house. I looked at Dalton to see Ash was still in control, looks like I'm gonna be with a wolf for a bit. 'You know you enjoy his company. You just want to get all freaky with him.' I blocked Satan after that. "What movie will we be watching?" Ash asked his voice deeper than Dalton's. Dalton had a deep-ish voice but Ash's was rough and deep. 'And incredibly sexy for you!' Satan snickered before cutting our connection before I could yell at him.

"Ryne bought some movies. Lights Out, War Dogs and The Boy." I told Dalton as I got my black denim jacket on and handed Ash his leather jacket. Ash nodded as he put on his leather jacket. "Will Ryne be going all psycho brother on me by chance?" Ash asked going towards me. "Probably. He's overprotective." I told him sheepishly.

Ash nodded then his eyes went back to the crystal blue with golden flecks. Dalton. "Coward." Dalton muttered. Then he turned towards me with a smile. 'Probably talking to Ash.' Dalton adjusted his coat. "We should get going to your house." Dalton said. I nodded before exiting the house with Dalton at my side. "Which movie will we be watching first?" Dalton asked staring at me as we headed out onto the sidewalk. My house was just down the street.

We'd pass Kadan's on the way. "Lights Out. My brothers have been dying to watch it." I told Dalton with a small smile. 'You two would look so cute as a couple.' 'So would you and Lilith.' Dalton nodded as we made our way to the house.
"That was very interesting." Dalton said holding a bowl of popcorn desperately to his chest. "It freaked you out. You kept on jumping every single moment." Ryne said with a smirk towards a now red Dalton. "Well so did you." Dalton said defending himself. "You both were a bunch of scared cats. I mean scared wolfs." Enyr said with a smirk towards them. 'Ha. Scared wolves. Because Dalton is a werewolf and Ryne is a Lycan.'

Satan had a thing with having to explain jokes. "I'd thrive in that situation. Diana would try to attack me and I'd latch onto her and set myself on fire and burn her with the light." I said with a smirk. 'I wonder what I'd be like in that situation?' 'You are the king of hell, she'd run in the other direction screaming.' 'That would be true.'

At that moment Flimur came out in a chefs apron and then began talking in his native tongue before going back into the kitchen. "Flimur finished dinner. He says that if we don't go eat it now he will feed it to the dogs." I told my confused brothers and Dalton. Ryne and Enyr were quick to get up. When they first moved in here they didn't believe Flimur. Then Flimur fed their food to Aries. 'That was funny.'

"What are we having for dinner?" Dalton asked staring at me with a small smile on his face. "Chicken alfredo with garlic." I told Dalton. "Sounds nice. Never had it with garlic before though. Good thing I'm not a vampire." Dalton said with a small smile. With that I led Dalton to the kitchen to go eat.

1344. So hey. I know I couldn't update for over a week. My WiFi went out and I couldn't update which is why I present you with a four chapter update! Possibly more depending on my creativity level. But yeah I am trying to slow down the plot. I feel like I'm running into ten feet water instead of taking it slowly. So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Until Next time Capital Letter Marshmallows.

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