:Chapter 9:

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"So what exactly are we looking up?" Dalton asked as I brought out my Asus laptop. "In English they want to dig into Greenburg's history. I got no idea on what to do." I told him. 'Well you haven't been here very long.' Dalton nodded. "So do you want the supernatural history or the human history?" Dalton asked brushing aside his hair.

"Well the teacher is a werewolf so whatever one is best." I told him remembering the werewolf English teacher. Man was it weird. 'Not as weird as having a art teacher that turned into a seal and was also homicidal.' 'That bitch is gone.' Satan laughed before cutting the connection.

"So there is more supernatural history then human history. Greenburg has a very supernatural background. The town is split for the supernatural. The witches, the vampires, and the werewolves. The witches own the fortune telling stores and a small section of the woods. The vampires own a bar and the west side of town. The werewolves get the rest of the town. Their is a paper for it and everything. Plus strict rules on the territory." Dalton explained.

"What about the fairies?" I asked remembering the element bending mischievous beings. 'They love to flirt with disaster.' Dalton nodded. "Well they live on any of the three territories or a neutral ground, plus fairies can create their own realms in their house to dwell in." Dalton explained. During his talking I had pulled up Word on my computer to be able to print it later.

"Well any specific history I can focus on?" I asked. "What are you suppose to be focusing on?" Dalton asked. "Well murders, crimes, family feuds." I told him. 'Well that is an interesting thing to do in English.' Dalton nodded. "Well there was a set of rogue murders around 2000. Then another rogue murders around 2009, the 2009 ones spread out but then stopped." Dalton said brushing aside his hair.

I went quiet at the 2009 killings when Dalton mentioned that. 'Isabella?' That was the year my parents were killed by rogues. "Does your pack have records on that?" I asked shutting out my feelings. "Probably at the pack house." Dalton said with a shrug. "Well when can you bring me to the pack house?" I asked scooting close to Dalton who gulped. "Well any time you want. But there is a time for when the library there is open. It's open till eight so you'd have to come before eight." Dalton said smiling nervously at me.

'You tend to make people feel nervous with how confident and dominant you can be.' 'Says the king of hell.' Satan smirked before leaving. "Alright. Maybe in a few days we will at the pack house. For now I will research it." I told him turning to my computer. We were in my ordinary bedroom. Beige walls then my black canopy bed, a dresser with a T.V. then a bathroom. Nothing special except all the hidden weapons.

"Are you going to use that website?" Dalton asked. "No!" I yelled. Isabella! "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" Dalton asked his hand touching my arm. I shook my head no. "That was the year your parents died isn't it?" Dalton asked. Damn it. I nodded. "We can to the pack sooner. You don't have to research it if its a sensitive topic." Dalton said his hand on mine.

Dalton shocked me when I felt his arms go around me. If I wasn't in such an emotional state I would of pushed him away. I simply leaned my head against him accepting the comfort he was giving me.
I had fallen asleep around four while Dalton talked with me. I was tired and frustrated and Dalton understood it. When I woke up Dalton was still in my room on at the desk reading something. I looked up and saw the leather bound journal, my hunting journal. 'Well I'm glad Dalton comforted you since you wouldn't like me trying to comfort you.' That was true, Satan was pretty emotionless.

"Hi Isabella." Dalton said turning around in the chair that could spin. 'I love that chair.' Me too. "How long was I asleep?" I asked pushing myself up. "An hour. Ryne came in to check on you." Dalton said closing my journal then putting it back. I nodded and ran a hand through my raven colored hair. 'Such beautiful hair. Well that's what Lilith thinks.' I rolled my eyes mentally at him.

"Has Flimur begun to cook dinner yet?" I asked standing up feeling refreshed. I guess I need a good nap to get rid of all that emotion. The last thing I wanted to do was dig up my past, that was to stay buried six feet deep. "Yeah he is making pulled pork." Dalton said with a smile. 'That's sound good.' 'You can't have any.' 'Sadness.' "Will you be staying for dinner?" I asked.

"Maybe. If you guys have room and enough food." Dalton said. "Dalton. Flimur makes enough to have a bunch of leftovers. You could even take some food home." I told Dalton with coy smile. "Then I guess I am staying for dinner. I just have to text my Mom and tell her so she doesn't worry." Dalton said pulling out his iPhone 7. Dalton got a new phone for his birthday. He used to have the iPhone six but not anymore. I upgraded to the iPhone 5 at least. 'I don't have a phone. I'm cut off from the world.' Ok.

"Ok I told her. I have to be home by nine thirty the latest." Dalton said staring up at me with a small smile. I nodded. "Now I want to give you some information on your mates part of your journal. Wolves pick the mates, not us. Only a wolf can reject a mate and still have a chance of finding another one. A wolf has to ok a mate." Dalton said. 'Ash gave the ok on you.' 'Shut up.' 'Make me.' 'Don't make me come to hell.' 'Later!' With that Satan cut our connection.

"Thank you for that valuable information. I'll be sure to include it from now on." I told Dalton smiling at him brightly. Dalton nodded as he adjusted his leather jacket. A large crack went through the air making me jump. I looked out just as it began to pour. "Well you might be here longer than expected." I told him shutting down my computer. Dalton looked out and shivered before nodding. 'Maybe since he is a wolf and animals act weird around storms so you know.' I nodded understanding.

"Would you like to see some of my drawings?" I asked Dalton hoping to distract him from the storm. Dalton nodded and I led him over to my bed and took out my sketch book. "For the shading I finished Andrew and now working on you." I said showing him Andrew. I had to erase the horns sadly. 'Sadly.' I glared at Satan. "It looks nice. Can I see mine?" Dalton asked scooting towards me.

Now he was pressed against me with his warmth radiating onto me. I didn't mind the warmth just how close he was. I liked my space. I flipped to the page and showed him the sketch of him and Ash. Dalton smiled. "I like it. You draw very good." Dalton said smiling at me. I turned red from the compliment. 'Or him?' Satan then did an evil laugh. Yeah he was crazy.

"Isabella! Dinner time!" Ryne yelled. I looked at Dalton before shutting my sketchbook and storing it underneath my bed with my weapons. "Come on." I said motioning for him to follow me before going off to eat.

1280. Well... there was some Della in there at least. But yeah Isabella is very sensitive when it comes to her past. She doesn't like to get too close to people because of it. But she is loosening up since her brothers appeared alive. But it will take time so do not rush it! But yeah so history will be dug up and so much action, drama, and awesomeness combined into one! Until next time my dramatic marshmallows.

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