"Marissa," she smiled happily.


"I'm Hayley, Matthew's sister. Sorry I feel like I know you already, Matthew talks about you all the time," she tilted her head to one side with a shockingly tempting smile.

"Does he?" I grinned.

"Yes. Anyway, the reason I came to talk to you was that, well you and Matthew have been together for a few months now and we would like to get to know you," her eyes narrowed down into slits.

That's why Matthew had made up that pathetic excuse about getting help with an assignment and left. He knew she was going to come over and invite me to meet his family.

"So, what do you say about coming to ours tonight?"

Tonight? I thought I would have at least a night or two to prepare. I guess it wouldn't make a difference. I noticed that she was staring at me, hurt by my silence.

"That would be nice, I would like to see where Matthew lives and meet all of you."

I was sucking up to her, but so what. Wouldn't you? Hopefully the nicer I am and the more I suck up, the more they will like me.

"I think you will make a good impression, see you tonight."

Without another word, she left strutting her way back over to the rest of the family. She strutted just like her sister, only with a little less attitude. Her heels clicked across the concrete with each step she took. I wish I had a walk like that, a girl can wish, can't she?

I glanced back over to my friends they looked curious, I guess I would have to explain. But, I didn't have to tell the whole truth, did I? I was a bad liar, but if I based my words around the truth. It would still be the truth, wouldn't it? Only one way to find out, I took a deep breath and made my way towards them.

"Hey Marissa."

God Seth, if he was the one to talk first something was up.

"Hi," I said with an uneasy smile.

"So, what was that all about with Hayley?" his eyes narrowed as he awaited my answer.

"Eh.... she just wanted to meet up with me at some point."

"Why?" he questioned with a harsh tone.

"She just wants to get to know the girl that's dating her brother I guess."

Zac was next to reply, "Why you've only been going out for a few months?"

"Well you all know that Matthew doesn't really talk to other people, she's probably just curious why me?"

Seth stared at me intently for a few seconds before speaking again, "I think you should stay away from her, she's bad news," he warned. Behind that innocent smile, his warning was real.

"What do you mean?"

I watched as Danni wrapped her arms loosely around Seth, and replied for him. "Well Seth saw her running one day, really fast. He told her that she should run a marathon with that kind of speed and he patted her shoulder. Which in Seth's opinion was very warm, like fire almost. He wasn't surprised though she had run a long distance at a very fast pace. She threw his hand off her so hard she knocked him off his feet."

Danni was trying to be a protective girlfriend, with her being small and shy it's hard to take her seriously. I could see that this was hard for her to do which made me have new respect for her. Doing what she was may seem like a normal girlfriend to do but for Danni it was so much more and it took all that she had to stand up for Seth. I do hope that he appreciates her, she is going against who she is for him.

Lethal LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now