I smirked he was going to love this. "Porches."

"Ah, Matthew's car. Sorry I asked."

I couldn't stop smirking; I think I have been hanging out with Matthew a bit too much. Maybe Zac would get that I was with him now and that he didn't stand a chance in hell. But, known my luck he wouldn't give up that easily.

"You know you need to widen your choices a bit, and not just grab the first thing that comes along with both hands."

At first it sounded like he was talking about the car, but I knew he was talking about Matthew.

"Stick to your instincts that's what I've always been told and it's worked for me my whole life," I threw back.

"It's never too late to try something new."

He obviously didn't know that I was trying new things as of late, he doesn't know me well enough to know that. We haven't really spent any time getting to know each other, so he shouldn't just presume that he knows everything about me. I wasn't going to tell him this though so I didn't reply, sometimes silence is best it stops you saying something horrible. As well as that I knew that if I did reply, that I would end up losing it with him. He was already annoying me and we weren't even up on the mountains yet. I should give him points for apologising, I think he is a nice guy deep down. But, he just doesn't seem to have an off button when it comes to getting something that he wants. When is he going to just give up and accept that I am with Matthew. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye, he must have thought that he had won the argument.

Paige insisted that we play some games while on our ride up to get the fun times rolling. I played along but I couldn't be bothered one bit. All I wanted to do was be with Matthew and curl up in his arms, I just miss him so much and I want to talk. I don't like when things are all up in the air, and right now that's how I feel things are with us since I discovered his secret. Ever since I met him, I began to feel like I wasn't whole without him, that I needed him, that I couldn't live without him. No one has ever had such an effect on me before apart from one, but he was helping me get through that better than any therapist that I've tried or the medication I'm taking. I had to snap myself out of this, thinking about him wasn't going to make me miss him any less. So, I decided to join in the fun and games a bit more so that I could take my mind off him. We played every game Paige could think of, she ran out of ideas after we were half an hour away from the mountains.

"So, Marissa there has been something I have been meaning to ask you?" she said as she played with her cuticles.


Her head fell to the floor before she spoke again. "What is Matthew Halliwell like?" Her eyes found mine searching for an answer.

"What?" I asked shocked. That had not been a question I would have expected Danni to ask at all, she had never seemed that interested before.

"Well he never talked to anyone until you, and I just wanted to know what he was like," she persisted.

"Oh. Well he's a really nice guy." I continued, "A little bit rough around the edges, but he's funny, witty, clever, sweet, caring, nosey......" I trailed off laughing to myself at that last one.

"I see, well if he is all those things why doesn't he talk to anyone else?" she asked as her face screwed up in utter puzzlement.

"Well he's a bit of a loner, not very comfortable around people, and he doesn't know how to socialise properly."

"But, he talked to you," she replied staring at me her face full of curiosity and confusion. I studied her face before replying, her jaw was tight, her eyes were staring and hoping for the truth that she sought.

Lethal LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now