Lethal Attraction

Start from the beginning

"You, I still can't believe how unbelievably beautiful you are."

He sighed. "This," he looked down at himself with a look of total disgust on his face. A hard edge crept into his voice. "Is not beautiful, you, you are beautiful."

He can never take a compliment, whenever I say anything good about him he just throws it right back in my face. I don't understand and I don't think I want to, but if I am going to discover his secret I might have to read into his self- deprecating ways.

I rolled my eyes. "Loathe yourself as much as you want, just don't expect me to," I said as I folded my arms tightly across my chest.

His eyes were wickedly amused; he knew better than to argue with me I am just as stubborn as I look.

As we arrived at the school, Matthew parked in his usual spot. Before he could even get out of the car, Zac was at his door. He had an unusual sly glint in his eyes as he spoke, "Can I borrow your girl for a few minutes. We need to discuss some things about the camping trip," he grinned and turned to wink at me.

Matthew turned to me, "I'll catch up with you later," his eyes narrowed down into slits. He forced his door open against Zac's legs sending him flying a few feet from the car. I flew open my door and ran over and kneeled down beside Zac. What was with Matthew? He may not like Zac or me talking to him, or maybe he's just jealous but there was no need for that.

"Zac, Zac are you ok?" I asked concerned as I lay my hand lightly on his shoulder. I looked at his arm it was oozing with blood, suddenly I didn't feel so hot. I felt the colour drain from my face, my vision began to blur and I felt my stomach churn and my body begin to wobble.

Suddenly warm arms wrapped around me and picked me up from the ground and dragged me away from the scene. Even with this blurred vision I could find those earthly green eyes, the more I looked into them the better I felt. I felt colour rise up into my cheeks again, the sickness slowly began to disappear and my vision was coming back.

"Faint at the sight of blood, do we?" he said with an uncomfortable edge in his voice, he looked worried.

"Yeah," I finally managed.

"What are we going to do with you," he sighed.

I am a complete walking disaster I can't be ok for more than two minutes. Seriously what does Matthew see in me, I'm a tragedy in every way possible. Nothing is good about me; I have developed every possible trait that can ruin me. I have the whole worlds bad luck on my side.

I turned around to find Zac back up on his feet, he quickly unwrapped his jumper from his waist and wrapped it tightly around his cut. He turned to face Matthew with cold eyes. I could hear the grinding of his teeth and I could smell the anger dripping off him. I could feel the tension flowing through the air.

"What the hell is wrong with you man?"

I looked up at Matthew, his eyes were cold, empty, almost lifeless. His lips were twisted and his head had dropped. Anyone could see he was disappointed in himself. If it wasn't for the disappointment on his face I would have been giving him an earful too. But, he seemed to be beating himself up enough without any contribution from me.

I sighed. "Matthew just doesn't know his own strength," I defended.

"Yeah right," he spat. "Are you ok you looked like you were going to pass out or something?"

I sighed again. "Blood just makes me a little bit woozy," I casually turned back to where Matthew's car sat. Oh, my god how did Zac land all the way across here? We are a long way from the car, we were almost at the school's double doors. I turned back to Matthew he seemed to have followed my gaze. He must have some amount of strength to have done that to Zac.

Lethal LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now