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I just don't believe that Josh hyung retracted his hand from helping Seungkwan and make a fist infront of Woozi hyung and Wonwoo hyung. I can't help not to be curious about it.

Week has passed and Josh hyung smile and humurous self are not seen. Even all the members joke around him, he always in his stoic look more like he wasn't Joshua but Jisoo from the time he came in from L.A. He also distant himself to others especially to Jeonghan, Seungcheol,and Dk and most to Seungkwan. I didn't know what happened to this two but it was bothersome.

Beginning from last week encounter, I decided to follow him around without showing him any sign of it or in other words I'm stalking him, I just want to know where he goes after going out from the dorm, after practice and where and who he was seeing. There is always this particular Japanese restaurant that he oftenly goes for dinner maybe this is something that he keeps from himself but why?

As I followed him inside, "Sir, you came again same room?"

"Yeah, thanks pal" Josh hyung responded and walk through a small hallway and entered in a room.

"Sir, may I help you?" asked by the waiter in front of me."Ahm, can I get a room besides that man who just entered?" and the waiter look at me suspiciously and then I wave my hand infront of him "ah, don't think that way, I was his friend and I was just want to monitor what he was doing because he seems that he was sulking from this few days" then another man came, "Guide him to his room"

"Thank you. Ahhm. Is Josh hyung a regular here?" I asked as I grab the man's hand. "Yes, he is, especially when he needed space. I won't allow anyone to bother him in time like that but it seems that you are his good friend and really care about him so I allow you to do what you want right now if that takes for everyone as ease. It seems that he was back on his previous self again, always staying away on the sight of anybody and prefered to be in a close room. You better look out for him then. I got to go, maybe he was waiting for his drinks"

"Wait, what is that? How come?" I asked while pointing at the red wine on the tray. "Ah, he was like this when he doesn't want to think and just be knock out afterwards, you know him he is not the same as others who prefered to get into fight if he was hurting or blame others for his sadness or problem." he said as he tap my shoulder while he delivered it at Josh's room.

I followed him and went to my room and order some maki and sushi to eat while I sensing up what would hyung was doing on the other side and then I heard the door was opened and I immediately lean my head towards the wall and...

"As usual,Son, you are here," said by a matured voice. "I didn't know that I would see you on this state when I came back here in Korea to visit my only son?"

"Dad, I want to go back at states. Maybe I wasn't really into this kind of world in the first place. Can I come with you when you go back?" Josh hyung voice was half sobbing and has an evident that he was already drunk.

"Is that really what you want? How about Jeonghan, did you convey your feelings to him already about this departure thing? Or are there any reason that I didn't know?"

"As time passes Dad, it seems that I was not needed in the group. They had their own talent and everything and sometimes I felt that I was a nuisance and a shadow of the group. Even though we are all friends but everytime they forget me not just once is something that was bothering me. I also this small lines on our songs and I often made a mistakes on our dance. I should quit now rather than later for the benefit of the group." I gulp after hearing it, so Josh is being sad all this time and that smile from his lips is just being a gesture out of respect. "Jisoo, you were a brave kid why are you thinking that way? Maybe your friends are not thinking that way" convince by his father but he seemed not to hear it.

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