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Part 11


"uugghhh, it's morning already" stretching my body as I was lying in Joshua's bed and then I hug the person beside me and cuddle for a minute, he doesn't move and instead he cover his body with the comforter as he shift his body towards me. "Good morning sunshine?" I whispered in his ears. Then the boy besides me complained of being noisy in the morning. I smirked and tickled him then, "You should wake up now, we had our practice today"

"Hey, stop tickling me Josh!" he snapped then I immediately removed the comforter covering his body in which another man who I can't imagine to be with me. What I mean is besides me on Joshua's bed on my birthday.Really?

"Oh my gosh, Hansolie, what are you doing here. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh" Seungkwan sassily screaming in the morning as he get up from his bed and walk towards our direction.

"Arrghh, Kwanie you're too loud. Give me some time to rest please," Dk complained as he peeked from his bed then suddenly got up causing him to accidentally fall from his bed. Oh my, he is really clumsy sometimes. "Hansol~ah, why are you here my twin?" he teased the boy beside me as he poke his cheeks causing Hansol to open his eyes for the first time.

"Dude, Good morning. Hi Dokyeom Hyung. Kwannie, annyeong!" he mumbled as he bow from time to time as he greet us. I slapped him on his back then he look back at me. " Ohh, Happy Birthday Angel Hyung!!!" he said as he got off from bed and Dk and Seungkwan stood before him. Ooopps interrogation time.

Seungkwan: Why are you with Jeonghan hyung on Josh hyung bed? Really huh

Dk: Hansol~ah do you have a fever?

Seungkwan: You won't answer me? Hey!!!

Dk: oh you dont have a fever but please take my blanket with you. I know you're cold

Seungkwan: then bother to explain to me, why are you naked?

At that moment, we all look at him waiting for his answer but he just shrug and walk with all his might towards the door. Then before he close it he said, "Asked Josh"

We all look at each other, no one want to talk and the two went on me and seek if I was also naked but I'm not then the two slump themselves on the floor. "Hyung, it this your birthday prank? Hope it wasn't because for the moment Hansol wake up in our room. I don't want to look at Josh hyung anymore. My mind are in shutting down mode right now." Seungkwan said as he go back to his bed and cover himself to sleep again.

"I need to talk to Josh hyung, why would Hansol is allowed to be on his bed but I'm not. He promised that he won't let any!!" Dk said angrily as he thump the wall besides him.

I got up and arrange Josh belongings before I got out from their room. I didn't talk coz I don't want to think. All I want now is to talk to my parents and siblings back home. After I finished preparing myself, I proceed to the company to practice with the members, all day we had our dance and vocal practice and Josh is nowhere to be found same as Woozi. Seungkwan and Dk are back to normal again and they keep on talking about the volleyball match that they had watch the other day.

When we got home, the members told me to go unto my room and there it is, the gifts that was given by fans as well as from the members. Dino and Hoshi gave their presents to me and pulled me back to the other room and then another surprise was there, the big surprise that both the management and the fans prepare for my birthday. I was nearly tearing but I can't ruin the day.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGHAN. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGHAN. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGHAN!!!!" sang by the members and staff besides me and tears were now falling on my face. Then suddenly they gave me a small box and to my surprise it was a clown singing to me a happy birthday. As the doll sang, I scan my surroundings to find Josh but he wasn't there.

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