Part 16:The Nine Tails Attack!

Start from the beginning

"Just don't -"

"Die. I promise I won't. But we have to get as many people out as possible. You stay here with Akira I'll be back soon," he tightens his headband.

People are crowding together frightened. Children are crying. Dead bodies are being dragged out of the village. They look on horrified as the Nine Tails attack continues.

Akira stares up at Tsunade gently touching her chin. She smiles down at her daughter taking her hand. The burning village reflecting in her eyes.

In the mean time ...

The Third Hokage is on his way carrying a large scroll with him. Members of the Black Ops with him.

In the village people are still desperately trying to get out. Bodies are scattered all over. Dan helps as many people as he could out of the village. Carrying them on his back.

He bands together a group of shinobi to help him. They set out into the village helping children,the elderly and anybody who needed them.

Dan suddenly hears the cry of a child calling for help. He follows the sound into an empty street.

"Hey mister," he hears a whisper.

He looks around frantically but sees nothing and no one.

"Down here," he spots eyes and a small hand.

He recognises the building that had fallen over as the orphanage. Dan gets down on his knees. Looking through the glass he sees about ten children trapped in the building under rubble.

The kids look terrified. They watch him with pleading eyes. He has to come up with a plan fast because the Nine Tails is all over the place.

Dan decides to take a nearby broken pole to move the rubble out of the way. He lifts up a piece of concrete making a space for the kids to crawl through.

One by one they crawl through the hole. Dan helping them up. He carries to very small children in his arms leading the rest out of the village.

He collapses onto one knee breathing heavily. The kids band together around them. Suddenly they see what seems like glowing golden chains appear around the Nine Tails.

Moments later the Nine Tails seems to shrink somewhat. There after disappearing out of sight. Suddenly all the chaos stopped. The village however is still up in flames.

Meanwhile ...

Hiruzen finds himself staring down at a little baby with the same yellow hair as his father,blue eyes and whisker marks.

He orders the Anbu Black Ops to gather Minato and Kushina's bodies so they can be buried. Hiruzen picks up the baby and carries him to his office.

Once again Hiruzen has to pick up the mantle of Hokage.

Tsunade finds Dan lying on his back surrounded by the bunch of kids. They seem to be having a good time since they are the only once that are laughing.

"Dan?" Tsunade looks at him.

The kids look at her in awe. Most of them clearly recognize her their mouths hanging open.

"Wow! You know Lady Tsunade? That's so cool," one of the older kids admits.

He turns slightly pink,"she's my wife."

"Will you help us?" A little girl with black hair pulls on Tsunade's clothes.

"Of course I will," Tsunade smiles down still holding Akira.

The following day ...

Everybody is still shaken about the events of the previous night. But slowly they started picking up the pieces. Literally.

Tsunade makes her way to the Hokage's office. She has no idea what he summoned her for but Tsunade is sure that it has something to do with the hospital.

She knocks before entering quietly.

"You summoned me Sensei?"

"Tsunade I have to ask you a favor."

Suddenly a baby starts crying. A basket near Hiruzen's table starts moving. Grunts and cries get louder.

"Sorry," Hiruzen picks up the basket placing it on his desk.

"Who's child is that?" Tsunade asks frowning.

"This is Naruto. He is Minato and Kushina's son and now the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki."

"What? The Nine Tails is in this kid?"


Naruto didn't stop screaming. Tsunade didn't know what to say or how to react. Hiruzen quietly smokes his pipe.

"What am I here for? Don't tell me I've to --"

"No I'm not asking you too take him in,Tsunade. I just want you too do his medical check ups if you don't mind?"

"Uhm sure. I'll do it," she looks at the still crying Naruto.

"Thank you Tsunade. I reckon he's hungry," Hiruzen looks down at Naruto.

Tsunade walks closer picking up Naruto and cradling him in her arms. He immediately stops crying his blue eyes shinny with tears.

Hiruzen eyes Tsunade. His face looks as if he is waiting for her to say that she will take Naruto in. Tsunade doesn't look up but smiled down at the little bundle in her arms.

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