One - Loss Arises

211 10 16

Nevaeh's point of view

"Nevvy! Wake up! I have a surprise!" my mom yelled from outside of my bedroom.

My dark navy blue eyes fluttered open. "Coming!" I replied.

I forced myself out of bed and got on a pair of comfy boots then walked out of my room. The plain white hallway forced my eyes to squint as I walked into it. The hallway was long and there was a dark gray carpet going all the way down to the end of the wooden floor. I slowly trudged down to the end of the hallway near where the entrance is and went into the kitchen. In the snow white kitchen, my mom, Rylee, Alyna, Gray, Liz, and Alondra were all waiting for me.

"Happy Birthday Nevaeh Ballari!" They exclaimed in sync. Smiles forming across each of their faces.

My mom's crystal blue eyes sparkling with joy and her raven color hair tied up in a neat bun on the back of her head. She looked so similar to me, except I like to keep my hair down to my lower back, while she likes her hair cut a little past her shoulders.

Alyna and Rylee came over and hugged me. Alyna's usually red curly hair was straightened and Rylee's usual straight faded blue hair was curled. But their dark brown eyes still sparkled the same.

"Aww. You guys didn't have to get all fancy. It's just a birthday," I said as I shrugged.

"Nevaeh! It's your 16th brithday! It's a day to remember!" Rylee said as she smiled at me.

"Nevvy, I have a surprise for you," my mom's sweet voice said to me.

"Really? Okay. I'll meet you outside by the pond in about 10 minutes!" I said as I started back to my room.


I changed into a black shirt that was the color of the night sky with a dark blue jean jacket. I also put on some black jeans and some black converse. Then I walked out of my room.

I went to the end of the hallway and climbed up the two flights of stairs to get up into the open world. I emerged from a small hatch that was behind a wooden shed in the middle of a forest. A few feet from the hatch was a small pond which was a normal hang out area for the people in Ballari, basically our family, but not by blood.

The woods is full of beautiful maple trees with a few occasional pine trees. Flowers are scattered throughout it and you can basically always hear birds chirping away with each other. The pond was about waist deep and the bottom had a type of soft dirt. It was one of the most beautiful places you would ever see.

"Nevaeh! You look so cute," my mom said behind me.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, startled. But despite getting scared, a smile grew across my face. "So, what's the surprise?"

"Okay, I need to go get it. Just stay here while I go get it," she replied, a smirk sneaking across her face.

She was one of the kindest people you could've ever met. My mom was a tad like Robin Hood, she stole from people who had a lot of money and were greedy and selfish, and gave it to people who were less fortunate. She was also a great mom. She loved me with all her heart. I don't know why my dad left all those years ago.

I sat down my the pond and took of my shoes. Last night when I was bored, I painted my toenails a sea green color. I put my feet into the pond water. A shiver ran up my spine from the cold water. It wasn't that warm yet because it was only April and the cold of winter hadn't quite gone away. But I smiled despite the cold.

My mom went off in the direction of the cafe across town. I smiled. I had a feeling I knew what the surprise was. Every year on my birthday, my mom would get me a fun-fetti cupcake with lavender frosting along with some lemon tea (Lemon tea is one of my favorite drinks). It always brought me to high spirits.

But something unexpected happened. All I remember was a loud boom and screaming of frantic people. Fire shot up from the cafe. That had been the last time I had seen my mom. Never had I known something like this would happen. I became the leader of our group. The youngest leader in history. But I would try to be almost as great a leader as my mom.

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