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Paisley Park had its share of commotion. Most of the time it was for a big party or event. On this cool spring night the devil was doing his work. Making sure that here was no happiness for Prince or his family. As the EMT's came to assist with Carlyn's care Prince was in his office on the phone with his attorneys and his publicist making sure that none of the information about his daughter and grandchild was going to be leaked to the media. Once he was done there he went back to Carlyn's room to oversee her care. The medial team worked quickly on Carlyn to take her vitals and to find the cause of her bleeding and get her to the hospital as fast as possible. Joey came out of studio C with Tony chasing after him. He was met with the medical team taking Carlyn away on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on her face. She looked as if she was asleep. It scared him so badly that he broke down and followed behind her as they wheeled her down the stairs and out of the door. Prince had caught sight of this and began to push passed the small group that was also going out to see Carlyn off to the hospital.

  "Joseph! Joey! Wait!" Prince called trying to get his attention to stop.

Joey was so out of it that he could only hear the sounds coming from the walkie talkies around him. Prince finally had got to him once they were outside and Carlyn was being placed inside the ambulance. Tremaine came out and decided to ride along with his wife bringing along a few things such as a small bag of clothes for her when she was to be released as well as a book and some of her pictures of the family from the picture wall she made back in high school. Prince placed a hand on Joey's shoulder as the EMT's shut the doors on the back of the truck and gave Regan the information about where she was going. Then the lights flashed rapidly and the siren wailed out of the lot until they left the gates of Auburn Avenue. Then the lights and sirens stopped just as Prince had instructed.

  "You said that she was ok." Joey said as he watched the ambulance drive out of sight.

Prince knew that there was no avoiding this conversation with his son. He had no choice but to explain what had happened to Carlyn and why he had kept her rehab a secret.

  "Joey? Come with me. I think it's time I tell you the truth." Prince said sadly.

He and Joey went over to a nearby bench in front of the house and sat down.

  "What happened to my sister? Why did she need to go to rehab. What are you hiding from me dad?" Joey asked.

Prince knew that his son was flooded with questions and he knew he had to answer them but he was unsure how. All he knew was that he had to start from the beginning.

  "Joey.....Carlyn.....Carlyn was raped in college. She didn't know that she was drugged at a charity event. She never met her attacker and Tremaine was unaware about the situation until I had got the call about Carlyn trying to do overdose on pills in her dorm room. She was starting to do all the wrong things. She was drinking heavily and it was also the reason her and Tremaine were....taking a break. She wasn't in the right state of mind and she needed some help. I didn't tell you and she wouldn't tell you because she was trying to protect you. Carlyn was embarrassed and upset that she went down the wrong road and she didn't want you finding out and doing the same thing she did. We never meant to hurt you or keep things from you. Carlyn only felt as if she was doing the right thing. Don't be mad at her. If anything be upset with me. I agreed to her not telling you."

Joey felt as if his world was falling apart. He was being hit with a lot of information about the family all at one time. He was only 14 dealing with enough going on in his life and now he's getting more unexpected news. He was still very lost and didn't know what to think about his step mother. He wasn't sure if he should stay away or continue building on his relationship with her. He was also too afraid to ask his dad if his opinion of what he should do since now he had to deal with Carlyn being in the hospital. It soon clicked that he needed to know if his niece or nephew was going to be ok. Prince stood up and was headed back to the door when Joey shot up and followed behind him.

  "Dad?" He called as he finally caught up to him.

Prince turned to Joey and smiled.

  "Yes little man?" He said with a sigh.

  "Can.....can I come with you....to the hospital? I know I have school tomorrow but I really wanna be with Carly. I need to know that she's ok."

It warmed Prince's heart to see the love Joey had for Carlyn. He couldn't refuse or deny Joey's simple and heartfelt request.

  "Sure son. But don't make this a habit. You're going to school the next day." Prince said to him sternly.

  "Yes sir. I'll go and get some stuff and wait for you inside."

Joey went to the door and ran inside. He went up to his room and grabbed a few small items like a teddy bear that he had kept from when he was a kid and packed a bag with a change of clothes. Prince went up to his room to find Tori sitting at the end of the bed with makeup stains running from her eyes. She stood up to greet him but he ignored her. Prince just went into his closet and changed to go to the hospital and packed a bag.

  "Prince? Can we talk?" Tori asked him meekly.

Prince came out of the closet in a more subtle outfit and collected his toothbrush from the bathroom still ignoring her. She tried again to get his attention.

  "Prince? Baby? Please let's talk about this." She said to him as he came out of the bathroom and grabbed his coat.

Prince put on his fedora and turned to her.

  "My daughter is in the hospital because of your blatant ignorance and now my grandchild is in distress."

  "Because of me!?!?! How is this my fault? She came after me!" She said playing the victim.

  "I don't care! You......I have to be with my daughter right now." He said trying to maintain his calm composure.

  "Prince! Wait!" She said as she ran up to him blocking the door.

  "You need to move. Now." He said to her angrily.

Tori was guilt ridden and she she was he had told her to do and watched him open the door. He stopped just outside of the door frame and turned his head slightly over his shoulder so that she can hear him.

  "I want you gone before I come back. Take what you came into this marriage with. Leave your key at the front desk." He said and closed the door behind him.

Something In The Water Volume 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon