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Two weeks have gone by and Paisley Park was in full swing with staffers running back and forth getting things ready for the surprise baby shower for Carlyn. Tremaine was in on the surprise and since he had the information of the sex of the baby in his hands he had no problem being some assistance to Prince when it came to finalizing the nursery for the baby in a private wing of the living quarters. Everyone was excited especially Prince. After the honeymoon that was all he could focus on. Joey was also excited because he wanted to be a big brother. This would be his chance to cash in on his role modeling and even impress a girl or two from school. Although the baby shower was a few months away Prince wanted everything to be perfect. From the food to the decorations. EVERYTHING had to be up to par for his daughter as well as his grandchild. Prince was over the moon about Carlyn and her pregnancy. She had moved into Tremaine's apartment shortly after the wedding but Prince had convinced them to stay at Paisley instead just so he can be near the baby and to give a hand when needed. He had vowed that once the baby was born that he was going to slow down on working so much and touring so he can at least watch the baby grow and reach each milestone that he had hoped in his younger days he would experience on his own. While the baby shower was being planned privately behind the cherry wood office doors Carlyn was down in the party room making plans of her own. She and Erin were making the menu for the upcoming dinner that she felt was necessary to help her father realize that he had definitely married the wrong woman. Carlyn and Erin composed a very large and extensive list of things to get from the store. Tremaime came into the kitchen to check on his wife and make sure she wasn't overworking herself or putting extra stress on her body.

"Hey love! you ok?" Tremaine asked her as he gave her a quick kiss.

"Yup! just making the menu for now that's all. Erin here is gonna do the shopping since I can't push the cart." Carlyn joked as she looked over at Erin who was scowling at her.

"Seriously? What happened to oh don't worry I'll help?" Erin asked her.

"I am gonna help.....push the cart!"

Carlyn laughed and shook her head as she continued to write out the list out.

"You are just milking this pregnancy aren't you babe?" Tremaine asked with a laugh.

"Yeah she it." Erin said sarcastically.

"Well just think of this way once you have the baby you'll be able to do what you want without restrictions. I promise." Tremaine replied.

He kissed Carlyn on the cheek and headed out the kitchen with two bottles of water.

"I swear that man really loves you. You're so lucky to have him." Erin said happily as she looked to Carlyn with a smile.

"Yeah. I don't know why he was able to stay long enough to actually want to marry me. Even though I did almost lose him."

Erin seemed a little lost and sat the pen she was rolling between her fingers down on the table giving Carlyn her undivided attention.

  "You? Nearly losing Tre? Come on girl quit playing." Erin chuckled.

  "You think I'm joking but I'm not. He almost walked out on me forever. I know he felt like I deserved it but.....I begged him to stay. That was one of the worst nights of my life. I wish that I could go back and fix it. But like daddy always says what's done is done so....no sense on trying to change it now." Carlyn explained as she relived the one night she wants to stay buried in her subconscious.

  "Well....what happened?" Erin asked dying to know more.

Carlyn didn't want to talk about the horrible night she made what was supposed to be a deal breaker for her and Tremaine's relationship but actually only made it stronger.

Something In The Water Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now