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  "Hey everybody! Sorry I'm a little late!" Regan said happily while embracing Carlyn in her arms.

Tremaine and Prince stood and watched as the two shared a hug and eyes the new browned skinned man standing shyly at the door.

  "Hey uhhhh....who's the guy? Friend of yours?" Tremaine whispered to Prince as they continued to try to read the unexpected guest.

  "No. Never met him in my life. It must be a friend of hers." Prince said trying his best to mask the confusion and anger in his voice.

Regan and Carlyn let go and Regan could tell that something was troubling her daughter.

  "Wow Carly you're heart is beating a million miles a minute! Are you alright?" She asked her concerned.

Carlyn sighed deeply and looked over and Tremaine and Prince trying her best to keep her cool.

  "No I'm not actually. Someone told Tori about what happened back in college between me and Tre and she went to him a started talking about it like it was nothing! Daddy you need to do something about her before I put her in a body bag!"

  "Now.....hold on a second let's not get rash here I'm sure there was a reason behind what she did.....even though it wasn't her place to say anything at all in my opinion-"

  "It damn sure wasn't!" Carlyn shouted interrupting Regan furiously.

Regan took Carlyn by the hand and smiled and finished her though.

  "But....let's just hope that she was trying to help and not try to be messy."

Regan leaned over to Carlyn and whispered in her ear the rest of her thought so that Prince wouldn't feel offended.

  "Although I think she's trying to be messy but that's just me."

The two smiled at each other as the door clicked open after the sound of the buzzer. Erin walked in with a hand full of bags with Dez and Morris in tow.

  "Hey guys! We're back with the rest of the stuff for dessert! Andre should be here any minute with Joey so we can eat!" She said happily as the sudden awkward silence nearly threw her off guard.

Erin looked over at Prince and then at Carlyn. She could feel that something was very wrong and wanted to lighten the mood quickly.

  "Geez who died?" She asked with a nervous smile still holding all the bags in her hand.

  "Nobody....at least not yet." Carlyn snapped balling up her fists once again.

  "Oook? What happened?" She asked her pregnant and upset friend.

  "What happened was that you're a rat! I told you something that you promised you would never bring up and you told Tori? Really?"

Erin was stunned to know that Carlyn would dare think that she would do something so severe to jeopardize their friendship and it nearly broke her. Dez took the bags from her hands and took them to the kitchen quickly then came back to be extra help just in case there was need for breaking up a fight.

  "Carly! You know I wouldn't do that at all! I swore I wouldn't and I meant it! I never said a word to anybody! I didn't even see Tori at all today! Honest! I met up with Dez like I was supposed to and we've been at the store since! You know me Carlz I would always take something like that to my grave. I know how much you love your husband why would I want to break you two up?"

Dez came up from behind Carlyn to confirm Erin's statement.

  "It's true Carly. Neither of us saw Tori today. The only person I ran into was Tremaine and after that I waited for Erin outside. He can tell you that he saw us leave together."

Something In The Water Volume 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin