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Regan turned the knob and stepped into what seemed to be an abandoned trove of memories that she and her parents left behind. The overwhelming presence of her mother and father consumed her spirit causing her eyes to well up as she stood in the middle of an empty and dark kitchen. The now remodeled room that she once had countless conversations with friends and neighbors was missing the cornerstone of what made it a place to hang out and be free. The table. The always clean and very heavy cherrywood table that was just big enough to seat six was now gone. The tan brown cabinets were now a deep red cedar wood and the old white fridge stove and dishwasher were now stainless steel. The tile floor was now a hard and freshly waxed bellawood. The home she once knew as a child and young adult didn't look like it was her home. It looked as if she was out of place and was looking for something familiar but knew she wouldn't be able to find it in the kitchen. The only place she knew where to look was in the one place she loved so much. Her bedroom. Climbing the back stairs from the kitchen and to the top floor she began to feel the tears fall from her eyes as she walked up the last step and found herself being pulled like a magnet to her empty room. Her memories were placing the things that were no longer there. Her bed on the far wall by the window. A small white night stand with a single top drawer filled with collectibles of things the felt were important to her. Her tv sat by her closet door and to the left of that were two tall dressers that held her clothes. And finally to the left of the dressers and close to the door was her desk where she had spent countless hours of doing homework crafting or spending her down time listening to to her vinyl records. The floor was also a place where she would sit and do nothing on with her friends. She loved how her carpet was warmed from the sun in the summer months and there were times where she would lay in the sun and fall asleep from its natural heat. With a growing smile she left her room and went down the hall to her mother's bedroom which was also now empty and repainted. The maroon red walls that were once the first thing she came to in the morning when she would greet her mom were now an eggshell white. The room is much brighter now and she wasn't all that used to it. She loved the room darker because she believed that it was easier for her to fall asleep at night when she was a child. Her mother loved the color so much that her father was convinced to paint that one room maroon. Regan's emotions were consuming her the more she thought of her now deceased parents. After her mom died she felt so lost but was never able to grieve the way she wanted to because she was always out in the fields as an investigator in Indianapolis. Submerging herself into her work solving one child kidnapping and abuse case after another was how she coped with the death of her mother. It wasn't until the morning of her funeral that she cried all alone at her burial. In fact just standing in the threshold of the door way of the empty bedroom alone was beginning to make her cry as she thought of all the time she and her mother spent together and the guilt she was feeling that she wasn't there in her mom's final hour. It was a quick and painless passing. Peacefully in her sleep just two weeks from retiring from years of nursing from what was believed to be natural causes. Regan however didn't buy it. She felt that her mom died from years of a broken heart and missing her father. As Regan was drowning deeper into her sorrow the sound of the back door opening downstairs in the kitchen pulled her back to the surface and she quickly dried her eyes with her hand.

  "Hello?" A man called as he closed the door behind him.

Regan was finally able to get herself together and went down the steps to meet the potential renter of her childhood home.

  "I'm here to look at the home. Is anyone here?" The man called out again as he stood in the kitchen.

Regan was met with a god standing front and center in the kitchen floor. By the time she reached the bottom she was wonderstruck. The man was a 6'4 buttery brown skinned middle aged salt and peppered hair Adonis. His pecks showed through his t-shit and he was wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and running shoes. The sweat glistening from his brow was a sign that he was the athletic type. When he smiled his teeth nearly blinded him. He definitely is quite the looker in her mind. He finally turned to her and put out his hand.

  "Hi! I must be a little early. I'm Jackson. Are you the owner of the home?" He asked.

Regan shyly took his hand and shook it firmly.

  "Ye-yes! Yes I am! Regan. Regan Jenson. Nice to meet you." She said as she greeted him in a shy but happy tone.

The two stared at each other for a moment taking each other in. Regan's heart raced wildly the longer she held his hand in hers. Suddenly it was like high school all over again. She was feeling things she hadn't felt it a long time. Her feelings for Prince soon disappeared and her. New feelings for Jackson were growing deep within her soul. For a moment she thought that she was never going to let his hand go until a single word fell from his lips.

  "Wow." Jackson said in a near whisper.

They finally let go of each other's hands and Regan could tell that he was looking for something in her eyes.

  "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." He said to her.

Regan began to blush as shyly turn her head to the side as she looked at him.

  "Thank you! I wasn't expecting to hear that but you just made my day!" She replied trying to keep her composure even though she was ecstatic on the inside.

  "You're very welcome. SO! What's the story about this house? Why are you renting it out?" He asked.

  "I'll tell you while we take a look around! Where would you like to start first?" She said as she extended her arm for him to lead the way.

Could this all be a dream? Did Regan finally find her match? Or should she just stick to what she knows? The way it seems Regan had forgotten all about Prince and Tori and she liked it better this way. She was finally able to smile.

Something In The Water Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now