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Back in Hawaii an unaware Prince laid fast asleep in his bed that he shared with his scandalous wife who was not laying with him but with another man just two floor below the private suit. Prince's dreams were taking him back to a time when women were at his disposal but his heart longed for one in particular. Prince was sitting in a park on a overcast day when his eyes fell on her. Soft curls blew gracefully across her buttery brown skin. The smile she wore on her face melted his heart so wildly that he couldn't help but gasp at her beauty. Her eyes were so brown that he knew for certain he'd drown in them forever. Infectious laughter tickled his ears and drove him nearly insane. Never once had he kissed her but that night in her tree house something was begging him to find out what he was really missing. Her first night home from college and Prince for some odd reason saw something in her that sparked a flame inside of his heart just like when they were young. The seventeen year old him couldn't reciprocate this feeling to her because in a way he was much too shy and to prideful to dare say he was falling for his childhood friend but the thirty two year old him had felt this feeling before and was old enough to understand what he was feeling and why it never really came about with any other woman he courted. It only happened with her. He stared into her brown pools and thought to himself that this may be the craziest notion but he loved it and never wanted it to end. It was almost like a growing addiction. Was he going mad? No. He was in love. In love with someone he'd never expect. Prince Nelson was in love with his best friend. There was that brief moment as they laid in the treehouse on that damp summer night that he was ready to peruse more from her. For now he was only going to kiss Regan and see what would come of it afterwards. His heart picked up its pace the closer his lips got to hers. He readied himself for her to resist but to his surprise she didn't and a smile grew from inside of him though his eyes with every inch closer. Just as they were about to kiss for the very first time he was taken out of his love spell by the sound of gentle ringing just outside the window.

  "Saved by the bell." He said to her just above a whisper.

Regan had a little bit of a look of disappointment but yet relief when Prince let her up and they ended up laying away from each other. It wasn't until Prince had brought up memories from their childhood that had them facing each other and talking until they found themselves the next morning in each other's arms. Prince tossed and turned as his dreams continued to take him on the journey of the two of them making love passionately night after night. Before the dream ended the last image he saw was when Regan came down the stairs of his Paisley Park estate in a flowing dress and a new haircut. Prince had always loved her curls and it was a shock to see that she had cut and straightened them. It was striking to see her still beautiful features sculpted with hair. What was even more difficult to watch was her walk away as Tori pulled Prince close to her. Prince could see the pain in her eyes as they were holding back the heart wrenching tears. On the outside he held his composure but inside Prince was beating himself up as he watched her head back up the steps and round that corner. The image in his mind soon faded and Prince jolted up in bed letting a loud gasp leave his body. He had waken up in a cold sweat as his heart pounded behind his ribs. For a moment he thought that the dream was real. For the first time he was beginning to question if what he did was the right decision. Rubbing his eyes gently he let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

  "Damn Mouse. What are you doing to me?" He asked himself. The only light that could be seen was from the hallway outside his door.

He went to reach out to Tori who he thought was laying beside him but her spot in the bed was cold.

  "Tori?" He called but he never got a response.

Flipping the blanket from his lower body he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to only find it empty. Prince was getting a little nervous and couldn't understand why Tori isn't next to him. He then went to the bedroom door and pulled it open slowly. Peeking his head out into the hall he found that his heart was still racing.

  "Calm down Skipper. I'm sure she's alright." He coached himself as he stepped fully into the air conditioned hallway.

He walked down into the living room and saw the lights were on.

  "Tori?" He called again but was only met with dead silence.

Prince was baffled. Where is his wife and why is she not beside him. When he approached the sofa he was surprised at what he saw. Tori was asleep under a small yellow blanket and was still wearing the black dress she wore when she decided to run off with the other man. Prince didn't seem to notice at first. In his mind he had assumed that she changed into it as honeymoon gift for him. Until.....he smelled the scent of a cologne that he knew wasn't a fragrance of his own. Could he be angry? Should he wake her up and interrogate her? Should he let it go? Those were the questions that etched his brain as a continuos loop. He wasn't sure how to process his new discovery and everything in him said she was trouble. A sign that he was warned about but was too far gone in his love stupor to ever care. As be backed away slowly from the couch he turned on his heels and headed back to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Prince never got back in bed. As his mind and heart raced he began to pace a hole into the floor when suddenly it hit him. Charging for the hotel phone he began to furiously dial a number. He put the receiver to his ear and waited for someone to answer.

  "Come on Regan. Pick up. I know you're awake."

Prince was making the call that Regan was waiting back at home for at last. There's just one small problem. On this particular night....Regan was unavailable.

Something In The Water Volume 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن