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With the Nelson family dinner being a few nights away Carlyn was more hopeful than ever that things were going to get better for her because she had just received a call from her obstetrician that her test results had come back from her blood work she had drawn to find out why she was always so light headed due to mild dehydration. She was a little confused by this because the way she was going to the bathroom you'd think she had drank all the water from lake Minnetonka. It was best that she still kept hydrated and drank electrolyte enhanced beverages and did very little lifting. She was also to be mindful of her salt intake at least until the middle of her second trimester when she follows up again and to get the ultrasound for the determination of the sex. She passed the news to Tremaine who was working on putting together the crib down the hall in the room Prince had locked and kept a secret until the day comes to reveal the room. The reassurance filled Tremaine with joy and he had promised that when he was done working with her dad on the special project that he would take her to the local pastry shop and buy her as many double chocolate brown ones as she desired. Prince had admired their love so much that it took him back to his early thirties. When he had come to the realization that his best friend was more than just that to him. Years of failed attempts to reciprocate those feelings to Regan were finally growing on him once again. As he got up from the floor he excused himself from Tremaine and told him to lock the door behind him so that he could keep the room a secret. Tremaine agreed and the second the door locked Prince ran down the hall into his office and closed the door behind him. He reached for his desk phone and made a phone call to a number that he found was no longer in service.

"Are you kidding me?" He scowled as he looked at the receiver in his hand.

Prince hung up and dialed a different number and this time was successfully able to get a ring. By the time the phone was able to get to the third ring Regan had answered with a low tone.


"Regan. Hey. It's uh.....it's Prince." He replied like a shy school boy."

"I see I exist now. What's it been? Almost four weeks?" She scolded with a scoff.

Prince felt Regan's harsh tone cut him deep in his soul and pulled the phone away from his ear briefly to clear the lump of guilt from his throat. That was a blow to the gut he definitely wasn't expecting. After pulling himself out of his feelings he collected his thought and proceeded with his phone call.

  "Don't treat me so unkind mama. You know it's not like that." He played hoping to get Regan to break down her walls of resentment.

  "Really now? Then what is it like Prince?" She shot at him.

  "I just.....you know wanted to talk to you. That's all."

Even he knew that his lie wasn't convincing. So much so that he gave himself a palm to the face as he thought to himself how ridiculous he sounded and Regan must be ready to hand up on him. Regan let out a huff of air into the phone and was rather annoyed that Prince was calling her just to talk.

  "So what do you wanna talk about Nelson I'm busy." She said to him agitated.

  "Well I'm not sure if you had talked to Carlyn about the family dinner we're having in a few days but-"

  "I already know about the dinner Prince. Joey already told me about it this morning while I was at work. Anything else you wanna tell me that I might already know?"

  "What's with you Regan? Why are you so upset with me?"

  "I'm not upset I told you I was busy. Now is there something important that I need to know?"

Prince wasn't sure why Regan had such a cold tone with him but he was trying his best to get her to open up to him.

  "Mouse? I know there's something going on because you're only like this when you're mad at me. C'mon mama I've known you long enough to know that something's up."

Something In The Water Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now