(Moonlight) 9: The Fallen Angel

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Dedicated to: australiandrumsticks
I'm still at Maryvale High School, looking at the video. ""Nobody wants to play in the sandbox with me." Young me says. "I can play sandcastles with you." She says. "Do you even know how to build one?" Young me asks her, and I hear James laughing behind me. "Yes, in fact I do." She says, and I turn around, and see him standing there, as I gasp, and he's smiling and laughing, sadistically. "That's my favorite part. You were one shit of a stubborn child, weren't you?" He asks, and steps closer to me, and touches the left side of my face, and puts his hand down. "She's not even here." I say. "Nope." He says, and pins me to the wall next to the closet, and I can feel his breath against my left ear. "Sorry. You know, but you really made it too easy. And I thought you were the smart one." He says, as my breathing is shaky. "So, to make things much more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I heard you were in Theater some." He says, and takes a step backwards, and I notice he's holding a video camera in his right hand. "I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind. Good. And.." He says, and flips the video part open with his left hand, and presses the record button with his right thumb. "Action." He says, as I gasp. "Oh. That'll break Edward's little heart." He says. "You have.. Edward has nothing to do with this!" I yell, and step forward, and shove him, but he doesn't move, and he shoves me back with his left hand, and he shakes his head. "But he does. Oh, his rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you from your past." He says, smiling. "And lets continue. I've been searching for you for fifteen years. Fifteen! You were hidden from me and Victoria and now you've returned to us." He says, and slaps my right cheek, and I can feel the skin break, as I groan, and pull the pepper spray out of my left pocket, and spray him with it, and it catches him off guard, and I run as fast as I can to the Gym, pushing the double doors open with both hands, and see him in front of me, and he grabs my throat with his left hand, and throws me to the bleachers on the far right side, as I'm sliding across the floor, and hit it with my head, and I grunt, touching the back of my head with my right hand, and feel a liquid, and put my hand down, seeing thst there's blood on my palm, and hear footsteps approaching me, and look at him. "Sexy. Very visually dynamic. I choose my stage very well." He says, and crouches down next to me and he grabs my wrist, as I turn to my right. "It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you." He says, and I close my palm, and pull it to my chest, as he lets my wrist go, and look at him, putting my hand down. "Instead he kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really." He says, smiling, and grabs my right leg, and I can feel the bones crush, as I scream. "Tell Edward how much it hurts." He says, tightening his grip, and I scream louder. "Tell him to avenge you. Tell him!" He exclaims, as I fall to the ground completely. "No, Edward, don't!" I exclaim. "Tell him! Tell him!" He yells, and I hear the bone snap, as I scream louder, crying, and hear a shove, and feel his hand off me, and I turn around, and see Edward looking at me, and he gives a small smile, and I cover my mouth with my left hand, gasping, and see James coming towards him. "Edward, watch out!" I yell, and try to stand up, and hear growling, and see James pinning him to a basketball pole, with his left hand on his throat, and I gasp, standing up, and see him pull Edward forward and back, shoving his head into the pole, and I see Edward kick him to the other bleaches on the far left side of me, and Edward runs over to me, and catches me in his arms as I fall into them. "I'm sorry, baby. He hit you?" He asks, and I nod, as I wrap my arms around his neck, as his right is on my back, and his left are under my legs. "I know you're afraid of heights. You're gonna be ok." He says, and jumps up, and it's like we're flying likes he's an Angel, and I look down, and see James grab his right leg, and pulls him to the ground, and I fall out of Edward's arms, as my glasses fall off, rolling perfectly to the center of the half court shot circle, and I hear Edward get thrown into a window, and I feel a sudden warmth within me, as I look up, and see the moonlight is reflecting on me, and look down, as a piece of glass is embedded in my right leg, and I pull it out, groaning, and see James walking over to me even though my vision is blurry, as I stand up, and shove him with my right hand, and he flies all the way into the bleachers from where I hit my head, and I look at my right hand, and see Edward descending like an Angel, lifting me up in his arms again, and James jumps up, taking me in his arms and bites my left wrist, as I scream, and he drops me to the ground, and I scream in horrific agony, looking at my wrist, as I see it's bleeding, and fear a painful fire inside me, and I begin shaking and screaming, as my vision gets more blurry, and I hear growling, and hear windows shatter, and I look to my right, and see an Angel attacking James, as it has snow white wings, and hear them both growl, and see the Angel bite James neck on the left side of it, and spits out his flesh, as I see hear James scream. I look upward at the Full Moon, and begin hyperventilating, and feel someone touch my arms, and I see Alice. "Cor, Cor, it's ok." She says. "I have to keep fighting. Edward. There's an Angel in the room." I say, and scream again. "There's no Angel." She says. "Yes, there is." I say. "Cor, you're ok. It's ok. Oh, God. Carlisle? His blood. Carlisle!" She exclaims. "Alice!" I hear Jasper yell, and look to my left at Carlisle. "Alice, go." He says, and I look at the Angel, and I turn to my right, and see a fire, and close my eyes, crying more and screaming louder, feeling Carlisle touching my right leg. "His femoral artery's been severed. He's losing too much blood." He says, and I open my eyes, looking at the Angel. "No, no, my wrist his burning! You're an Angel, please do something." I say, and see the Angel crouch down next to me. "It's the venom." The Angel says. "You have to make a choice. You could let the change happen." Carlisle says, as I feel female hands holding mine, and notice it's Alice. "No." The Angel says. "Where's Edward?" I ask. "I'm right here." The Angel says, as I touch the left side of his face with my right hand. "You're an Angel." I say. "If anything a Fallen Angel." He says, and I notice it's Edward. "Edward." I say, and put my hand down. "It's gonna happen, Edward. I've seen it." Alice says. "It's doesn't have to be that way. He's still hemorrhaging." Carlisle says. "A tourniquet." I say. "Alice, he's right. Make me a tourniquet. Your belt." Carlisle says. "Carlisle, what's my other option?" Edward asks, as I groan. "I can fight. James." I say. "There's no more need to fight. You did great." Edward says. "The Angels. They gave me strength." I say. "Tie it above my hands, Alice." Carlisle says. "Carlisle!" Edward exclaims. "I felt the warmth from the moonlight. Angels." I say. "What's he talking about?" Alice asks. "He shoved James backwards all the way to the right side of the bleachers." Edward says, as I feel the tourniquet on my leg. "Go." Carlisle says, and I look to my right, and see their burning James' body. "We could try to suck the venom out." Carlisle says. "You know I won't be able to stop." Edward says. "Then find the will.. to stop. But choose. He only has minutes left. It's your choice. I can't choose for you." Carlisle says, and I scream again. "I'm gonna make it go away, Cor." He says, and I gasp. "I swear to God and to you that I will. I'm gonna make it go away." He says, and I see him lift up my left wrist, and bite down, feeling the venom suck out, and gasp again, as I feel his cold lips and teeth on my wrist, and hear Edward grunt, and feel my blood being drained. "Edward, stop. His blood is clean. You're killing him." Carlisle says, and I feel Edward hold onto my arm. "Edward. Stop. Stop. Find the will." Carlisle says. "Edward, I love you. You have to fight." I say, and I realize that's the first time either of us has said it to the other one. "I love you, too." He says, and I feel his lips off me, and I pass out. Edward and I are in our meadow, laying down with our eyes closed, as I'm a vampire, and I feel snow fall on my face, softly, as Edward has his left arm over my shoulders, and we have our eyes closed, enjoying our forever together. Death is peaceful. Life is fucking harder. I slowly begin waking up, having no memory of the dream, and feel I'm in a bed with a tube up my nose, and feel glasses on my face. "Cor?" My Mother's voice asks, and I blink three times, and open my eyes
"Darling?" She asks, and I open them completely, looking at her. "Cor." She says. "Mom?" I ask, as she's smiling at me. "Hey." She says. "Where is he? Where's. Where's Edward?" I ask, looking around. "He's asleep." She says, and looks to her left side. "He never leaves." She says, and I look to my right at him, as he's "asleep". "And your Dad, he's down at the Cafeteria." She says, and I look at her. "What happened?" I ask. "Well, when you fell, you broke your leg, and you lost a lot of blood." She says, as I look down. "You don't remember any of this, do you?" She asks, and I shake my head, looking at her. "Edward came down with his Dad to try to convince you to come back to Forks. So you went over to their hotel, then you tripped, and you fell down two flights of stairs. Went through a window." She says, and I remember the glass shattering and embedding my leg. "Hm." I say, and look at Edward, and back to her. "Yep, that sounds like me. All brain and no eye coordination." I say. "Oh, dear, I'm so sorry." She says, and I hear her phone vibrate, and she picks it up with her right hand, looking at it. "He's so worried about you." She says, and begins texting. "You're texting." I say, and she chuckles. "Finally, yeah." She says, and I see her press a button with her right thumb, I'm assuming Send, and closes her phone. "I told him to stay down in Florida. Honey, you are gonna love Jacksonville. I mean, it's sunny everyday, but we found the cutest little house, and you've got your own bathroom." She says, and I interrupt her. "Mom, I still want to live in Forks. You know, the cold, the rain, the snow?" I ask. "What?" She asks. "I want to live in Forks." I say, nodding. "Well, ok, we'll talk about it." She says. "Do you mind getting Dad? I have to apologize for walking out. When actually, I found my book was with me the entire time." I say. "Ok, I'll go get him." She says, and kisses my forehead. "And I'll go get a Nurse, ok?" She asks. "Ok." I say, and she walks to the door, and I see her open it with her right hand, and walks out, closing it behind her, and I look at Edward, and he opens his eyes. "So, what happened? Where's James? I remember the fire." I say, and he stands up, and walks over to me. "We took care of it." He says, and sighs, sitting in the chair next to my bed. "And the woman, Victoria, the one who started all of this, she ran off." He says. "I'm alive because of you." I say, nodding. "No, you're in here because of me. The worst part of it was that.. I thought I wasn't gonna be able to stop. But when you said those words.." He says. "You did stop. You found the will and fought back." I say. "Cor, you gotta go to Jacksonville so I can't hurt you anymore." He says. "What?" I ask, and shake my head. "No. Are you.. no! No! I don't even know what you're.. how.. what are you talking about?" I ask, shaking my head. "You want me to go away? I can't. No, I can't. I can't just leave you. The damn heat. I know about your world, nothing can or will ever change that." I say. "I know." He says. "We can't.. be apart. It's too dangerous. We can't leave each other." I say. "I'm here. You're here." He says, and I nod. "Ok, just don't. Just don't say stuff like that to me. Ever." I say, shaking my head, and he stands up, leaning towards me. "Where else am I gonna go?" He asks, and kisses my forehead, as I feel his cold lips, and I feel our foreheads press together. "I also told everyone we were fighting over what book to read as a couple." He says, and I laugh, and I hear the door open, as he steps backwards, and I look at Dad. "Hi." I say. "Hey, Corn." He says. "I'll, um. Just go." Edward says, and walks past him, and out the door, closing it behind him, and Dad walks over to me. "So, what was so important you had to go back to Forks for?" He asks, and I look around for my bag, and see the fishing book on the table, and pick it up with my left hand, and look back to him, handing it to him, as he takes it with his right hand. "A book on fishing, hm?" He asks. "Yeah. Turns out I had it in my bag with me the whole time, and I tripped down the stairs. Are you mad?" I ask. "For you to fall down two flights of stairs to get me a book? Then no, I'm not mad. I'm just glad you're ok." He says, and I laugh. "Maybe you'll catch some trout or whatever." I say, and he chuckles. I'm at home after getting out of the hospital, as it's almost time for Prom, as I have a black leg brace on my right foot, looking into the mirror, and put my contacts in. I'm wearing a maroon formal long sleeve with a black tie and Edward's leather jacket that he gave me with black pants and a black shoe, and I walk out of my room, closing the door behind me with my right hand, and walk down the steps, and look at Edward and Dad, and I look down at my shirt. "Emmett lent me the tie and shirt while Alice picked out the outfit." I say, and look at my cast. "The stupid cast is.." I say, and chuckle. "You're perfect." Edward says, as I look at him, and smile. "I'll take care of him Chief Swan." He says, and I look at Dad. "Yep. I've heard that one before." He says. "It was my fault, not his. And we've decided not to read a certain book as a couple." I say, and walk down the rest of the last two steps, and see Edward open the door with his left hand. "Uh, Corn." Dad says, and I look at him, and hear Edward walk out the door. "I put a new can of pepper spray in your backpack." He says. "Dad." I say. "The killings have stopped, and. Well, you look great." He says, and I give a small smile. "Thanks. See you." I say, and walk out the door. Edward and I soon arrive to Prom, as he opens the door for me, and helps me out of it, and I see a bench and walk over to it. "Hey. I'll be right back." He says, as I look at him, sitting down, and see him walk to the driver's side of his car. "Corn." Paul and Jacob both say, and I look at them. "Paul, Jacob. Hi." I say. "Nice." Paul says. "You guys, too. Are you guys crashing the Prom or something? Did you guys bring dates? Or are you guys each other's dates?" I ask, and they both chuckle. "No." Jacob says, and they walk over to me, and sit next to me. "Uh.. my Dad paid Paul and I to come talk to you. Twenty bucks each." Jacob says, and I smile at him. "Let's hear it." I say. "Just don't get mad, ok? I'm just the messenger, well. We're the messengers. He wants you to break up with your boyfriend. It's just, he said, quote, we'll be watching you." Paul says, and him and Jacob both laugh. "Ok, well, tell him, thanks." I say, smiling and nodding. "Ok." Paul says. "And to pay up." I say. "Ok. Let us help you." Jacob says, and we all stand up. "Paul, Jacob." Edward says, as I look at him, and Edward walks over to me, stepping in front of me a little. "I'll take it from here." He says, and I see them glare at each other. "Guess I'll see you around, Corn." Paul says, and I look down, and back up to them, as Edward puts his left arm over my shoulders. "Ok." I say, and turn around, and we begin walking. "I leave you alone for two minutes, and the wolves descend." He says, smiling, as I look at him, and look forward, chuckling. "Maybe the Angels will." I say, and he chuckles. We approach the Photography station as we're holding hands, and stop, and I look at him, as he's smiling, and look forward, smiling. "I can't believe you're making me do this." I say. "Just smile." He says, and we get our picture taken, and I give a small chuckle, and head to the steps. "Do you even show up on camera?" I ask. "Yes." He says, and he lifts me up the steps by my waist, and sets me back down, and we walk in, seeing a bunch of people dancing, loud music, colorful lights, and a.. Disco Ball. "Wow. You are really trying to kill me." I say, looking around. "The Prom is an important Rite of Passage. I didn't want you to miss anything." He says, and I look at him, as he's smiling. "Oh." I say, and we walk around, and I see Danny and Henry smiling at us, waving with their right hands, and I wave with my left, amd put my hand down, and Edward and I look at each other, smiling, and he puts his arm on the left side of my waist, and we begin walking, and see Tyler dancing in front of us, and he steps backwards, and Edward and I look at each other, laughing, and we continue walking, and I see Antonio and Emma, as Emma waves at us with his left hand, and I wave with my right, and put my hand down, and Edward and I look at each other. "Do you want to go?" Edward asks. "Yep." I say. We're outside and make it to the Gazebo, and Not About Angels by Birdy turns on. "Shall we?" He asks, as I look at him. "You're serious?" I ask, shaking my head, and he takes both of my hands into his. "Oh, why not?" He asks, and I look down at my cast, and back up to him, and he lifts me up by my waist, and puts my feet on top of his, and we come face to face, and we both smile, and he moves us, as my left hand is on his right arm, and we're "dancing". "See, you're dancing." He says, smiling. "At Prom." I say, and give light chuckle, and look to my right, and see people walking off, leaving us here. Alone. I look back to him, and we dance around in a circle. "Edward, why did you save me? If you just let the venom spread, I could be like you by now. I would be." I say. "You don't know what you're saying. You don't want this." He says. "I want you. Always." I say, shaking my head. "I'm not gonna end your life for you." He says. "I'm dying already. Every second, I get closer. Older." I say. "That's the way it's supposed to be." He says. "Alice said that she saw me like you." I say, shaking my head. "I heard her." I say. "Her visions change." He says. "Yes, based on what people decide." I say, and nod. "I've decided." I say, and we put our hands down. "So that's what you dream about. Becoming a monster." He says. "I dream about being with you.. forever." I say. "Forever?" He asks, and I nod, as he touches the right side of my face, gently, and tilts my head back a little. "And you're ready right now?" He asks, and I tilt my head back more. "Yes." I say, and he lowers me some, as I bend backwards, and I feel his cold lips against mine, but no teeth, and he kisses my neck instead, and I straighten up some, and we look at each other, and he smiles at me. "Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?" He asks, and I straighten up. "Yeah." I say, nodding. "For now." I say, and he smiles, and touches both sides of my face, as I'm holding his wrists, and our noses and foreheads lightly touch each other, and our lips connect, with the same powerful touch, and we begin dancing again. No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want. Him. Always. "Do you believe what I said about Angels?" I ask. "I believe something gave you that will power." He says. "Angels." I say, and he chuckles. "We'll figure it out." He says.

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