(Moonlight) 2: Car Accident

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It's been days since I last saw Edward Cullen. I'm by my truck, listening to music. I planned to confront him and demand to know what the hell his problem was with me. I see a silver jeep driving into the parking lot, and notice that Jasper is driving and Emmett is standing up on the backseat, looking at me, and Jasper parks next to a red sports car, and Emmett looks away from me, and I see him hop out of it. But Edward never showed. I see the red door open, and notice Rosalie get out of the car, and see Alice getting out of the jeep, and I look down, away from them. I feel something get thrown at me, and flinch a little, and turn around, seeing Tyler, Antonio, Emma, and Danny. I point at my right ear with my right index finger, giving a small smile, and put my hand down, and turn back around, and look at the stairs, and see Alice and Jasper looking at me, and I turn away from them, looking down. The next day was another no show. How could someone who's never even talked to me hate me so much? I didn't do anything wrong. Did I? More days passed. Things were getting a little.. strange. It's Tuesday the following week, as I walk out of the house with a gray beanie and a black long-sleeve on with jeans, my signature red and black flannel, and black boots. I see my truck pull up, as I walk down the steps, and fall on the ice, and grunt, and see Dad run over to me, and helps me up. "You all right?" He asks. "Yep. I guess ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated or the blind." I say, and walk over to my truck. "Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. For the ice. Old ones were getting pretty bald." He says, kicking the front left tire with his right foot. "Well, probably be late for Dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security Guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal." He says, walking over to his car. "An animal?" I ask, and he opens the door with his left hand, and looks at me. "You're not in Phoenix anymore, Corn. Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand." He says. "Be careful." I say. "Always am." He says. "And thanks for the tires." I say. "Yep." He says, and gets in, and I turn around, and hear his door shut, and open mine with my right hand, and take my bag off with my left and throw it in the seat next to me, and pull the door with it. I arrive to the school, as it's snowing just a little. Perfect. I walk into AP Biology class with Emma. "Prom Committee is a chick thing and I'm covering for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your playlist." She says, as I take my flannel off and hang it on the coat rack. "Hey, listen." She says, as I look at her. "I was wondering, did you have a date to." He says, and gets interrupted by Danny, as he's throwing snowflake specs onto my hair, as I get a light chuckle. "What's up, Arizona? How you liking the snow, boy?" He asks, as I give a small smile, and look at Emma. "Better get used to it, boy." Danny says, and I look at him, and he hangs his coat up, and I walk towards my table and stop, noticing him, as he's in a gray tshirt. He's back from over a week, and he's looking down, and slowly raises his head up to look at me. I walk over to him, sitting on the right side of him, just like last time, and look at him, noticing he has a clean shave, and look forward, away from him. We have a field trip tomorrow to the Batonical Gardens. "Hello." He says in an angelic, smooth voice, and I look at him, and he gives a slight smile. "I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Cor?" He asks, as I'm looking down, and look up at him. "Uh.. yes." I say, nodding. "Onion root tip cells, that's what's on your slides right now." Molina says, as I look at him. "Ok? So, separate and label them into the phases of Mitosis, and the first partners that get it right are gonna win the Golden Onion." He says, picking up a Golden Onion with both hands, and I hear the students groaning and booing, and he sets it back down, and I look at Edward. "You can go first. By the way, you have some snow." He says. "Thanks." I say, and run my right hand through my hair, and put it down, and he slides the Microscope over to me with his right hand, and I look down, and look back to him, rolling my sleeves up, and hold the handle of the Microscope with my left hand. "You were gone." He says, and I look into the Microscope with my left eye. "Yeah. I was put of town for a couple of days. Personal reasons." He says, giving a chuckle light as a feather at the end, as I recognize the sample as Prophase, and look up at him, and back down, putting my hands down. "It's um.. Prophase." I say, and scoot it over to him with my right hand. "Do you mind if I look?" He asks, as I look at him, and shake my head, and he pulls it over to him more, and touches the handle with his right hand, and looks into it with his right eye, and looks away, down at his notebook. "It's Prophase." He says, and writes it down with his pencil that's in his right hand. "Like I said." I say, nodding, and he looks at me, smiling, and I see his perfect white teeth. "So are you enjoying the snow?" He asks, as I'm looking away, and look at him, and exhale, looking down. "What?" He asks, and I look back up to him. "You're asking me about the weather?" I ask. "Yeah, uh. I.. I guess I am." He says, and looks forward. "Well, personally, I love the snow and rain. Anything that's too hot, I just.." I say, shaking my head, and he gives a small chuckle, and picks up the next sample with his right hand, putting it onto the slide, gently, with his fingertips. "What?" I ask, as he's looking down, smiling, and shakes his head. "Nothing." He says, laughing, and looks back into the Microscope. "It's Anaphase." He says, and looks down at his notebook. "You mind if I check?" I ask. "Sure." He says, and I pull the Microscope over to me with my right hand, looking back into it, and see Anaphase, and look back up to him. "Anaphase." I say, nodding, as he looks at me, smiling. "Like I said." He says, and looks down at his notebook, writing. "If you hate the Sun and the heat do much, why did you move from here to hottest state? I heard Yuma reached a hundred and twenty four degrees before." He says, and I look down, shaking my head. "It's complicated." I say. "I'm sure I can keep up." He says, as I look at him. "Uh.. my parents divorced and my Mom and I moved. She remarried, and.." I say, shaking my head. "So you don't like the guy, or.." He says. "No, that's not.. uh." I say, shaking my head. "Phil's really nice." I say, nodding, and he looks away from me, and grabs the Microscope with his right hand, and places the new slide in, as I'm looking at him, and he looks into the Microscope, and back to me. "It's Metaphase. You want to check it?" He asks, and I shake my head. "I believe you." I say, nodding, and he raises his left hand, giving a small smile to me, and Molina walks over to us, carrying the onion in his right hand. "Very impressive Mr. Cullen and Mr. Swan." He says, and hands Edward the onion, as he takes it with his right hand, and turns around, walking back to his desk. "Great work, partner." He says, flashing his white teeth at me, smiling, and sets the onion in front of me. "Thanks." I say. Edward and I are walking down the hallway. "Why didn't you move with your Mother and Phil?" He asks, and I look forward, and back to him. "Well, Phil's a, um. A Minor League Baseball Player, and he travels a lot, and my Mom stayed home with me, but I knew it made her unhappy, so I figured I'd stay with my Dad for a while." I say, and he looks down, and back up to me, as we stop walking. "And now you're unhappy by not living with her?" He asks. "No. I mean, it was my idea to come back. It's nice here. I did it for her and myself." I say. "I'm sorry, I'm just.. I'm just trying to figure you out. You're very difficult for me to read. Usually I don't have a problem reading them." He says, as I notice his golden brown eyes. "Did you get contacts?" I ask. "No." He says. "Your eyes were charcoal black last time I saw you, and now they're, like, golden brown." I say. "Yeah, I know, it's the.." He says, and closes his eyes, and opens them. "It's the fluorescents. Uh." He says, and opens his eyes. "And to answer your question, maybe I like boys and girls. Maybe I don't." He says, and turns around, walking off, and notice he's carrying a leather jacket that I hadn't noticed earlier. I'm walking to my truck, listening to music, carrying my bag in my right hand. I set it down, and look behind me at Edward, as he's staring at me and standing by his Volvo, across the lot. I turn back to my bag, and open it with my right hand, putting the onion inside, and turn back around, and see a dark van about to hit me, and I feel someone hold my waist, and I look at Edward, and he puts his right hand out, stopping the car, as I look at it, breathing heavily and shakily. We look at each other, and our eyes connect. He removes his hand from my waist, and his other hand from the car, and stands up, and jumps over the gap between my truck and the van, and I look forward at the dentist his hand caused, and see a bunch of people rushing towards me, and I see Danny help me up, and I take my earbuds out. "Cor, I'm so sorry. I. I panicked." Tyler says, as I look at him, and see the right side of his head is bleeding, and look around. "Cor, I've got nine one one on the phone now." A random girl I know by the name of Trisha, says. I'm at the Hospital, as a Nurse is checking my blood pressure, and I head the door open, quickly, and look to see Dad walking over to me, quickly. "Corn. You all right?" He asks, and looks at Tyler who's sitting on the bed next to me, and points to him with his right index finger. "You and I are gonna talk." He says, and puts his hand down, and looks at me. "You okay?" He asks. "I'm fine, Dad. Calm down. Breathe." I say, and we look at Tyler. "I'm sorry, Cor. I tried to stop. The damn ice." He says, and I shake my head. "I know. It's ok." I say, and the Nurse takes my blood pressure strap off, as I look at her. "No. It sure as hell is not ok." Dad says, and I look at him. "Dad, it wasn't his fault." I say, and look forward. "You could do been killed. You understand that?" He asks, as I look at him. "Yes. But I wasn't, so.." I say, and he looks at Tyler. "You can kiss your license goodbye." He says, and I hear the door open, and see a blonde haired man that looks like he's in his early twenties, with the same angelic features as Edward, smiling, as he approaches us. "I heard the Chief's son was here." He says, in an angelic voice. But somehow, Edward's was smoother. "Dr. Cullen." Dad says. So this is Dr. Cullen, Edward's Father. "Charlie." Dr. Cullen says, and walks over to the Nurse. "I've got this one, Anna." He says, taking the clipboard with his right hand, and I see her walk past him. "Cornelius." He says. "Cor." I say. "Well, Cor. I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I also have an usual name that starts with a C." He says, looking at me, smiling. "Looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?" He asks. "Good." I say, and he takes his mini flashlight out of his right coat pocket, and holds up his left index finger. "Look here." He says, and I look at it, and he flashes the light between my eyes. "You might experience some post traumatic stress of disorientation." He says, and switches hands. "But your vitals look good." He says, and puts his light back into his pocket after putting his index finger down, and looks at Charlie. "No signs of head trauma." He says, and looks at me, smiling. "I think you'll be just fine." He says. "I'm so sorry, Cor. I'm really." Tyler says, as I look at him, and Dad pulls the curtain back with his right hand, and I look back to Carlisle. "You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way." I say, as Carlisle is signing paperwork. "Edward? Your boy?" Dad asks, and I nod, and Carlisle looks up at me. "Yeah, you know. The guy I have AP Biology with. It was amazing." I say, and Carlisle looks back down. "I mean. He got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." I say. "Sounds like you were very lucky." He says, looking at me, smiling. "Charlie." He says, and walks off. Dad and I walk out of the room, and into the front area. "I gotta sign some paperwork." He says, as I look at him. "You should.." He says, and I look forward, sighing, and back to him, looking down. "You should probably call your Mother." He says, as I look at him. "Did you tell her?" I ask. "Yeah." He says, and I groan. "She's probably just." I say, looking down, and pull my phone out of my right pocket. "Freaking out." I say, and walk forward, texting her, and overhear Rosalie's voice, and hide behind a wall, looking up at her, Edward, and Carlisle. "Fifteen kids saw what happened." She says. "What was I supposed to do, then, huh? Let him die?" Edward asks, and I look at my phone, and press send, and look back at them. "This isn't just about you. It's about all of us." She says. "I think we should take this in my office." Carlisle says, looking at me, and Edward and Rosalie turn to me. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask, and look forward, hiding behind the wall, and hear footsteps approaching me, as I look down. "What?" He asks, and I look at him, and shake my head. "How. How did you get over to me so fast?" I ask. "I was standing right next to you, Cor." He says. "No. You were next to your car, across the lot." I say, and he smiles. "No, I wasn't." He says, and laughs softly. "Yes, you were." I say, and he glances to the right, and back to me. "Cor, you're uh. You hit your head. I think you're confused." He says, smiling at me. "I know what I saw." I say, nodding. "And what exactly was that?" He asks. "You. You stopped the van. You pushed it away with your hand." I say, shaking my head. "Well, nobody's gonna believe you, so.." He says. "I wasn't gonna tell anybody. I just need to know the truth." I say. "Can't you just thank me and get over it?" He asks, coldly. "Thank you." I say. "You're not gonna let this go, are you?" He asks, and I shake my head. "No." I say. "Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment." He says, and turns around, walking off. I'm at home, asleep, and wake up, gasping, sitting up a little, and see Edward standing there. I turn to my lamp that's on the right side of my bed, and turn it on with my right hand, and look back at him, as he's gone, and sit up a little more, running my left hand through my hair. This was the first night I dreamt of Edward Cullen.

Moonlight (The Hunter's Moon Saga; Edward BXB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz