(Moonlight) 5: The Truth

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It's the next day at school, wearing my brown hoodless jacket and my light blue formal long sleeve, as the sun is cleared and back to its normal cold rain, as I'm looking for Edward, and see him walking and we make eye contact, and I cross my arms, and he walks over to me. "Can we talk?" I ask, putting my arms down, and notice he still has golden brown eyes. "What about?" He asks. "You know what. Not here." I say, and walk past him, towards the woods. I soon arrive arrive to the woods, and take my bag off, and throw it in on the ground with my right hand, and walk forward a bit more, and I breathe shakily. "You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like your from a different time." I say, and shake my head. "You never eat or drink anything. Except one. You don't go out in the sunlight." I say, and breathe heavily, and feel him right behind me. "How old are you?" I ask. "Seventeen." He says. "How long have you been seventeen?" I ask. "A while." He says, and my breathing gets more shakily, and I look down, and back up. "I know what you are." I say. "Say it. Out loud. Go on, say it." He says. "Vampire." I say, and it's quiet, not a single noise of breath. "Are you afraid?" He asks, and I turn around, looking at him. "No." I say. "Then go ahead and ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?" He asks, and I shake my head. "You won't hurt me. We both know it." I say, and he grabs my right arm, and we begin walking rather quickly. "Where are we going?" I ask, as we begin to walk up the mountain. "Up the mountain. Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what the hell I look like in the Sunlight." He says. "But the Sunlight, you'll die." I say. "No I won't." He says, and grabs my other arm, putting me on his back, as my legs are around his waist, and my arms around his neck, as he dashes up the mountain at vampspeed. We soon arrive to the mountain, and I get off, panting, as he walks over to an area where sunlight. "This is why we don't show ourselves in the Sunlight. People would know we're different." He says, unbuttoning his shirt some, and steps into the sunlight, and looks at me, as his skin is shimmering like diamonds. "This is what I am." He says, and I gasp at the beauty. "It's like diamonds. You're stunning." I say. "Stunning?" He asks, shaking his head. "This is the skin of a killer, Cor." He says, and buttons his shirt up while walking off, and jumps down a landing, and I follow him. "I'm a killer." He says, as I hold onto a huge branch, going down the landing, carefully. "I don't believe that." I say, and fall him up a stump. "That's because you believe the lie. It's a camouflage." He says, as I follow him over another stump, holding onto a giant rock for support with my right hand, and put my hand down, and he looks at me. "I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in, my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I wouldn't need any of that. I could kill you and nobody would ever find your body." He says. "You won't." I say, and he dashes past me, and I hear him jump onto a rock, as I look at him. "As if you could outrun me!" He yells, and jumps down at vampspeed, and begins jumping around, as I look for him, and hear him behind me, turn around quickly. "As if you could fight me off." He says, and grabs a giant tree root with his right hand, and pulls it out, and throws it at a rock, and it busts, as I look at it, and back to him. "I'm designed to kill." He says, and I shake my head. "I don't care." I say. "I've killed people before." He says, and I shake my head. "It doesn't matter." I say. "I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life. Especially a guy's. I only thought of woman of attraction." He says, getting closer. "I trust you." I say. "Don't." He says, touching the left side of my face with his fingertips. "I'm here. I trust you." I say, taking a step forward, and he dashes past me, as I gasp, turning around, looking for him, as I hear him jumping, and see him sitting on a tree branch. "My family, we're different from others of our kind. We only hunt animals. That's why we have Golden brown eyes, to look more human instead of red eyes. We have black ones when we're hungry. We've learned to control our thirst. But it's you, your scent." He says, leaning forward. "It's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of meth." He says, and I see him dash downwards, and I get below him, and he lowers his head to look closer at me. "Why did you hate me so much when we met?" I ask. "I did. Only for making me want you so badly. I still don't know if I can control myself." He says, shaking his head, and I hold onto the tree branch next to him with my left hand, and he helps me up by putting his right hand on my waist. "I know you can." I say, and he puts his hand down, and we come face each other, and he grabs the branch behind him with his right hand, and jumps down, and I climb down, walking over to him, and he turns around, looking at me, as I touch the rock covered in Moss next to me with my left hand. "I can't read your mind." He says, and moves closer to me, as I put my hand down, as he puts both hands on the Moss behind me, as I can feel his arms touching me, as we're face to face. "You have to tell me what you're thinking." He says. "Now I'm afraid." I say, and he lowers his right hand, and then his left. "Good." He says, taking a step back, and I take a step forward. "I'm not afraid of you." I say, and he sighs, looking down, and back to me. "I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're gonna disappear." I say, and he moves his face closer to me, as we make eye contact. "You don't know how long I've waited for you." He says, and touches the right side of my neck, gently, with his cold fingertips. "So the fox fell in love with the owl." He says. "What a stupid, unwise owl." I say. "What a sly, cunning fox. Giving the appearance of something so beautiful, yet so dangerous. How oxymoronic." He says, smiling. We're sitting down in a meadow, smiling at each other, as he's on the right side of me. "I told you I would find out the truth." I say, and he chuckles lightly. "You're stubborn." He says, and I give a small laugh, and lay down on the soft grass, and he lays down, facing me. "And you're a vampire." I say and closes his eyes, gently and see his left hand drop to his side. I turn to my left, and see a ray off sun coming down at us. I look back to him, and see he's shimmering like diamonds again, and he holds my right hand, gently, rubbing it with his thumb. It's morning, as I'm laying in my bed with a gray t-shirt and jeans. About three things I'm utterly conclusive about First, Edward Cullen is a vampire. I sit up, and run my right hand through my hair. Second, there's a part of him, I don't know how dominant it may be.. that thirsts for my blood. I hear a honk outside my window, and walk over to it, smiling, and look out my window to see Edward standing there by his Volvo. And thirdly, I was unequivocally and irreversibly in love with him. I shake my head, and smile, turning around, and walk over to my chair to grab my gray hoodie and bag. We soon arrive to school, as Edward is wearing his leather jacket and sunglasses, and he opens his car door with his left hand, and gets out, and shuts it. He walks over to my car door, and opens it with his left hand, and I get out, and he smiles at me, and I look around to see everyone staring at us, and he shuts the door, and I give a small smile, and we begin walking. "Wow." I say, and look at him. "You do realize that everybody's staring, right?" I ask, and notice Antonio and Emma looking at me. "Not that girl." He says, pointing to a blonde hair girl in a pink shirt and a ponytail with his right index finger. "No, she just looked." He says, sarcastically, and I look at him, and forward and down. "I'm breaking the rules now anyway." He says, and I look at him. "Since I'm going to Hell." He says, putting his left arm over me. It's after school, as we're walking down the rocks past the forest near the water. "So, does a person have to be dying.." I say, and he looks at me. "To become like you?" I ask, and he looks forward. "No, that's just Carlisle. He'd never do this to someone who had another choice." He says, looking back to me, and we stop at the water. "So, how long have you been like this?" I ask, looking at him. "Since nineteen eighteen. That's when Carlisle found me dying of Spanish Influenza." He says. "What was it like?" I ask. "The Venom was unbearable. But what Carlisle did was much harder. Not many of us have the restraint to do that." He says, and it begins to rain. "Come on." He says, and we walk under a rock and some plants, and sit down. "But didn't he just have to, you know, bite?" I ask. "Not exactly. When we taste.." He says and looks at me. "Human blood, a sort of frenzy begins." He says, and looks forward, and back to me. "And it's almost impossible to stop." He says, and I look forward, shaking my head, and look back to him. "But Carlisle did." I say. "First with me and then with his wife, Esme." He says. "So is Carlisle the real reason that you don't kill people?" I ask, and it stops raining, and we stand up, and walk back to the rocks and sit down. "No, he's not the only reason. I don't.. want to be a monster. My family, we're think of ourselves as Vegetarians, right, because we only survive on the blood of animals." He says, smiling, and looks forward. "But it's.." He says, and looks back to me. "It's like a human only living in tofu. It keeps us strong, but you're never fully satisfied." He says, smiling more, and looks forward, and back to me. "It wouldn't be like drinking your blood, for instance." He says, and looks forward, chuckling, and I give a small smile, and look down. "Was it other vampires that killed Waylon?" I ask, and he looks at me. "Yeah. There are others our there, and we run into them from time to time." He says, as I look down, and back up to him. "Can the rest of your family read people's minds like you can?" I ask, and he looks down. "No. That's just me. But Alice can see the future and Jasper can control emotions." He says, and I shake my head, closing my eyes, and open them. "I bet she saw me coming." I say. "Alice's visions are subjective. I mean, the future can always change." He says, shaking his head, and stands up, and runs and jumps onto the rocks.

Moonlight (The Hunter's Moon Saga; Edward BXB)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя