(Moonlight) 7: Baseball

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I arrive at the Diner to meet up with my Dad in my truck, and open my door with my left hand, get out, and shut it. "Arizona. Yo, what's happening?" Danny asks, as I look at him, and give a small smile. "So you and Cullen, huh?" He asks, as I approach the door. "That's.. I don't like it." He says, and I look at him, as he's shaking his head. "I mean, I don't know, he just looks at you like your something to eat." He says, and I look forward, smiling, shaking my head, and open the door with my right hand, and walk in, closing it behind me, and walk over to Dad's table. "Hi, sorry I'm late. I couldn't decide on what to wear. I know, lame." I say, and look down. "I ordered you the Chicken Sandwich. I hope that's ok." He says, as I look at him. "It's fine." I say, and see Cora approach us, setting our food down, and I look at my plate. "Say, Chief, boys want to know.." She says, and I look up. "Did you find anything down by Queets River today?" She asks, and I look at him. "Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed East. So Kitsap County Sheriff is gonna take over from here." He says. "Ok." She says. "Ok?" Dad asks, as I look down. "At least it's not starting again with the children. I just hope they catch him fast." She says, as I look up at her, and she walks off, as I pick up a French fry with my right hand, and bite it. "Looks like your friends are flagging you." Dad says, as I look behind me, and see Danny shaking his butt, and I look back at Dad, and look back down. "It's ok if you wanna going join them. I'm just gonna turn in early, anyway." He says. "Me, too." I say. "Corn, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you." He says, as I look down. "Yeah, he's a good buddy." I say, nodding, and hear him sigh. "What about any of these other yahoos in town? Anybody interest you?" He asks, as I look at him. "Dad, are we gonna talk about boys?" I ask, smiling, and shake my head. "Yeah, I guess not. I just feel like I leave you alone too much. You should be around people." He says, as I'm looking down, and back up to him. "I don't really mind being alone. I guess I'm kind of like my Dad in that way." I say, nodding. " He says. "What did Cora say about "the children"?" I ask, and he sighs. "Our towns greatest suffer. Five years ago, there were the murders of thirteen Quileutes. Teenagers. And one time.." He says, and pauses. "What?" I ask. "A man came into your bedroom as you laid sleeping when you were two, and held you in his arms. He was one of the killers. He left and returned to Forks. Andrew and Sam warned me, but we didn't have enough evidence." He says. "So, they're still out there?" I ask. "Yes. And I want you to stay away from it if it comes back. We already have eyes on people." He says. "All right." I say.

I'm at the school next to my locker as I open it with my right hand and start putting the books into my locker, and get a text from Edward, wondering where I am. "At the school to get some books I left in my locker." I text back and put my phone in my right pocket, and close my locker, and walk to the parking lot to see a white van pull up in front of me and a creepy old man gets out of it, and I put my head down, and continue to walk to my truck. "Where you going, handsome? Wanna get in?" He asks and I ignore him on purpose until I feel him grab my right wrist, and immediately look up at him, trying to shove him off me but his grip gets tighter until he pushes me on the concrete parking lot, hard and climbs on top of me as I scream, and feel him shoved off me, and notice Edward grab my waist, helping me up and to his car. "We'll take my car." He says as I feel him move closer to me and I give a small nod. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, with a cold and concerned voice all in one. "My head hurts. I must of hit the concrete without noticing." I say and pass out.

I slowly wake up to feel I'm laying down on a couch and look around the room to realize I'm back at Edward's house. "Edward?" I ask and see him walking in with a bag of ice. "Hey." He says, smiling softly at me and puts the ice back in my right hand and I press it against the back of my head. "Charlie came and personally arrested the guy. He sure was pissed." He says, sitting down next to me. "Sounds like Charlie. The overprotective-ish Dad." I say and rest my hands on his left shoulder, and feel him put a blanket over me. "You can stay here for as long as you like and then I can take you home later." He says and I nod gently. "That sounds nice." I say and feel him inertwine my fingers with his.

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