(Moonlight) 6: Family Visit

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I'm at home, wearing just my hoodie and jeans as it's not that cold out today, listening to music and cleaning my truck with a rag, and I hear a loud thud, and flinch, and look at Edward, as he's on the roof, and jumps down to the back, then the left side, and next to me, as I smile, taking out my earbuds. "Could you act human? I mean, I've got neighbors." I say, and he smiles. "I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow. Oh." He says, and looks at the dent, and do I, and he pulls the truck side with his right hand, and the dent vanishes. "Thanks." I say, and look back to him. "Um, wait. Like, with you're family?" I ask. "Yeah, why not?" He asks. "What if they don't like me?" I ask, stepping forward, and he steps backwards, smiling. "So, you're worried not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?" He asks, and chuckles. "I'm glad I amuse you." I say, and he looks to his left. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, and he looks at me. "Complication. Come here." He says, putting his hands on my waist, as I put mine around his back, and he hugs me, gently, and we release. "I'll pick you up tomorrow. And you're still only wearing that gray hoodie?'" He asks, and I notice Billy pull into the driveway, looking at Edward. "Yes, and ok." I say, looking back to him, and I hear the doors open, and we look at Jacob and Paul, as Jacob gets his wheelchair out for his Dad. "Hi guys. Come to visit the truck? This is, um. Edward Cullen. You guys probably already know." I say, as I see Paul help Billy to the wheelchair. "Looks good. Got that dent out." Jacob says, and I see him grab a brown paper bag with his right hand, and hands it to Billy. "I'm gonna go. I just had to see you were safe." Edward whispers in my right ear, and I nod, and see him walk over to his Volvo. "Yeah." I say, looking back at the truck, and back to them, and see Edward drive off. "Actually, we came to visit your flat-screen. First Mariners game of the season." Billy says. "Where's Sam Gordon when you need him?" I ask, and he laughs. "Plus Jacob and Paul here haven't shut up about seeing you again." He says. "Thanks, Dad." "Thanks, Billy." Jacob and Paul say at the same time. "Just keeping it real, y'all." He says, and I look up, and see Dad carrying two six packs of beer, one in each hand. "Vitamin R." He says. "Well done, Chief." Billy says, and holds up the brown paper bag. "Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry." He says, and hands it to Jacob. "Good man." Dad says, and sets the beers in Billy's lap, and Billy looks at me. "Any luck with that Waylon case?" He asks Dad, as Charlie pushes him to the door, and I look down. "Well, I don't think it was an animal that killed him." Dad says, as Paul and I look at each other, and head towards the door. "Never thought it was. From the very beginning." Billy says. "So spread the word down at the rez, huh? Keep the kids outta the woods." Dad says, turning around, and pulling Billy up the stairs. "Will do." Billy says, and looks at me. "Don't want no one else getting hurt, do we?" He asks, and I shake my head, stopping. "No, we don't. I'll warn my friends at school." I say. It's the next day, as I'm wearing a black long sleeve with my red and black flannel, in Edward's car with him, as he's driving to his house, through a bunch of woods. "So, you ready to meet the parents?" He asks, chuckling. "Are you sure I'm not underdressed?" I ask. "You're fine. I told them all to wear casual." He says, pulling up to the driveway and gets out, shutting it behind me, and I see him vampspeed across the front of the car to my door, and opens it with his right hand, and I get out. "Thanks." I say, and hear him shut and we approach his door and he walks in, and holds the door open for me, and I walk in, and he shuts it behind him and I look around, and see it's so big and open. "Wow. This is incredible." I say, looking down, smiling, as he takes my flannel off, and I pull my sleeves out. "It's so light and open, you know?" I ask, and set it down on a bench next to my left. "What did you expect, slaves, coffins, and moats?" He asks, as I look at him, and look down, and hear him set his jacket down, and look back up to him. "Nope, not the moats." I say, looking forward, smiling, and turn to him, and he chuckles. "Not the moats." He says, and I look forward, and we head to the stairs, and I look behind me, and hear Opera music, and look back to him. "This is the one place we don't have to hide." He says. "Opera music?" I ask, as we head up the stairs. "I told them not to do this. I mean, they did agree not to wear formal clothing after me telling them not to eleven times." He says, and I chuckle, and we head to the kitchen, as he holds my right hand, gently, and a woman with perfect brunette hair approaches us, smiling. "Cor, we're making Italiano for you." She says. "Oh. Thanks." I say. "Cor, this is Esme, my Mother for all intents and purposes." Edward says. "Hey, Corn Cob." Emmett says, waving a knife with his right hand behind me, as we look at him. "Hi." I say, and I look back to Esme, as she's smiling. "Grazie." I say in Italian. "Prego." She says. "Given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time. Good to see you, again, Cor." Carlisle says, as we look at him. "Hi, Dr. Cullen." I say. "You can call me Carlisle." He says. "All right." I say, and he looks down at what he's cooking, and I look back at Esme, as she's smiling. "I hope you're hungry." She says. "Oh, uh. Yeah, absolutely." I say. "He already ate. I told you guys you didn't have to do this." Edward says, and I hear glass shatter, and flinch, looking at Rosalie, as Edward puts his arm over my shoulders, and we look at each other, and back to her, as she walks up the steps. "Perfect." She says, and I see Emmett walking over to her. "Yeah, it's. It's just because I know that you guys don't eat so." I say. "Of course. It's very considerate of you." Esme says, and I see Carlisle walking over to her. "Just ignore Rosalie. I do." He says, as I look at him, and back to her. "Yeah. Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." She says, raising her voice a little. "I would never tell anybody anything." I say, looking at them, one by one, shaking my head, and land back to Rosalie. "She knows that." Carlisle says. "Yep, well, the problem is, you two have gone public now, so." Emmett says, and Esme interrupts him. "Emmett." She says. "No, he should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." She says, stepping forward, and I look down, and back up to her. "Badly, as in.. I, um. I would become the meal." I say, and everyone but me and Rosalie, chuckle, and I look down. "Hi, Cor." Alice says, as I look at her, and see her getting off a tree, Jasper behind her. "I'm Alice." She says, walking over to me, as Edward puts his arm down, and she puts her hands around my back, as do I. "Hi." She says. "Hi." I say, and we release, and she steps back. "Oh! You do smell good." She says. "Alice, what are you." Edward says, as I look at him, and she interrupts him. "It's ok. Cor and I are going to be great friends." She says, and I look at Jasper, as he's staring at me. "Sorry, Jasper's our newest Vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle says. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He says in a country accent, and Alice looks at him. "It's ok, Jasper. You won't hurt him." She says. "All right, I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house." He says, as we look at each other. "Ok." I say. "Well, I'll see you soon." Alice says, as I look at her. "Ok." I say, and Edward puts his right arm over my shoulders, as he's turned around, and so do I, and we walk off, and up the stairs, as he chuckles. "Was that as weird for you as it was for me?" He asks. "Um, I don't know." I say, and we walk up more steps, as he puts his arm down, and I look at a bunch of Graduation caps hanging on a wall, and look at him, pointing to them with my right index finger. "Graduation caps?" I ask. "Yeah. It's uh, a private joke. We matriculate a lot." He says, and I put my hand down, smiling, and he looks down, chuckling. "That's kind of miserable. I mean, repeating high school over and over." I say, and he looks at me. "True, but the younger wrote start out a new place, the longer we can stay there." He says, and walks up the stairs, past me. "Come on." He says, and I turn around, and follow him to a room with an open door, and see a room that's somewhat messy. "Uh.." He says, and I look at him, and forward again. "Yeah, this is my room." He says, and I walk in, and see an open window and a bunch of books on a long, mattress like outstretched chair angled downward, and look around, seeing no bed, and look at him. "No bed?" I ask, and he smiles. "No, I don't.. I don't sleep." He says. "Ever?" I ask. "No, not at all." He says, and I give a light chuckle, and turn around. "All right. Hm.." I say, and walk over to his giant music collection. "Wow, you have so much music." I say, and feel him right behind me. "What are you listening to?" I ask, and press play with my right index finger, and classical music plays, and I put my hand down. "It's Debussy. I don't.." He says, as I'm looking down. "Yeah." I say, and look up at him. "Claire De Lune is great." I say, nodding, and he walks closer to me, smiling, and holds my right wrist, gently, and puts it in my hand, and takes my other one, and steps closer. We begin to dance slowly, and he raises my right hand up, and I spin around, awkwardly, as he lets my left hand go, and I face him again, and he takes my hand back. "What?" He asks. "I can't dance." I say, giving a small smile, shaking my head, and he inhales. "Hm." He says, exhaling. "Well, I could always make you." He says. "I'm not scared of you. We've already been through this." I say, and he smiles at me. "Well, you really shouldn't have said that." He says, and takes a step forward, and puts me on his back, and we dash out the window, and glide to a tree, as my legs are around his waist and my arms around his neck, and he looks at me. "You better hold on tight, short stuff." He says. "Edward, I'm afraid of heights." I say, as he smiles and chuckles. "Then you better hold on real tight." He says, and looks forward, and I hold on a little tighter with my legs, and he begins to climb the tree, and I give a small laugh. We make it to a branch, as I gasp. "Do you trust me?" He asks. "In theory." I say. "Then close your eyes." He says, and I close them, and I feel us glide to another tree, and I open my eyes, and he climbs higher, and we land on a branch, and I breathe heavily, giving a small chuckle. "What?" He asks, smiling, as I look at him. "This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist." I say, looking around. "It does in my world." He says, and I look at him. "So, what do you think?" He asks. "I think and feel like I've never been happier. I'm starting to think God put that van in front of me on purpose." I say, and he laughs. "I'm gonna do something. Don't hate me for it. Are you ready?" He asks. "I could never hate you. What is it?" I ask. "Close your eyes." He says, and I close them, and I feel us jump, and hear him land on the ground, and I open my eyes, and hop down, as he laughs. "Come on. Let me show you my piano skills." He says, as I smile. We're in his Living Room, as he's playing a dainty melody on the Piano, as I'm laying on sitting in a chair, smiling at him. I stand up, and walk over to him, and sit on the left side of him, smiling, as his long fingers are playing the Piano.

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