Sabrina Brown Casket

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This is Sabrina's part of her life. This would be after Benjamin died. But remember Sabrina doesn't come till after season 1 ends ;). So yeah please enjoy (I put a lot of work into this story and I mean a lot!)

Sabrina's POV.

It's a few days since my best friend/ crush died right in front of my eyes. I've been depressed every since that day. I was crying my heart, shouting for him to get up, holding his hand up to my heart. But he died right in front of me. How? Is that when I was about to lose my voice I check his plus on his cut hand he gave me and I couldn't feel one. I've been depressed, scared, and terrified on my life now but the two feeling I used feel are gone. That would be love and happiness. I would use that all for him. To male him smile, laugh, feel loved, and all of that. But now I don't have a shoulder to cry on anymore. Mr. Electric my teacher had been noticing that I've been acting weird. So he told me to come after school to talk about it. Why I'm acting weird is that I'm no longer talkative, smiling, telling little jokes, and well being happy.

"So Ms. Casket why aren't you paying attention, participating, and talking" He ask me while I take a seat at him desk. "I don't feel happiness any more now Mr. E so I don't talk anymore to other people and I don't want to get involved with stuff in class" I told him sadly. "Oh and what happened to that happiness?" He asked questionably. "It disappeared" I said but I mumbled 'just like my best friend did but I saw him die with my very own eyes'. "I heard a little bit of that" he said. My eyes got filled with tears I'm still depressed every single day I used to go to class with out no problem but now I can't go through classes without getting in trouble or crying my way out of the class. I checked the time realizing that it was already my next class "I have to go Mr. E I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said getting up grabbing my stuff. "Alright Ms. Casket I'll talk to you tomorrow. You may talk to me after or before school if you want to." He said standing up and opening the door for me. "Alright" I said.

I walk out of the classroom with my stuff in my hand until I freeze in shock I see Nickolas and Billy in the halls there talking about something but then they hear a scream. I did head it too so I rushed off there I saw the shadow again and I saw Stella! So I shoved Stella out of the shadows way. I saw her lay on her side terrified and she rushed off to go get the nearest teacher but when I looked up the shadow wasn't there. Which was a good thing as well so I stood up and brushed my skirt down with my hands. What was kinda weird was that I felt something or someone go through me so I could push  Stella. Heh it was probably Benjamin watching over me like a balloon. So I pushed my hair to the side and picked up my stuff again. I rushed off to class knowing that I would be extremely late but someone jerked me back so I fell and my stuff was laid out on the floor. (A/N this part is kinda gruesome/gore)

I turned around to grab my stuff with my one hand/arm because the other one was holding me up. But then I hear a chainsaw and I freeze in shock and in terror. I looked above cautionly but, then I see the shadow with a chainsaw in it's hands. I was terrified it already had the chainsaw started and it went after my one arm and cut it off! I screamed as loud as possible! There was blood squirting out of it and blood pouring everywhere it even got on some of my clothes! I held my arm in pain with the other one which ended me up on my side/ back. But then I was holding the other one with the other arm then the chainsaw came coming down on my other arm!!! I was screaming in pain so loud, I had tears going down my face and my arms/hands laid there just bloody and lifeless. I saw Nickolas and Billy rush down the shadow disappeared with the chainsaw at the end of the hallway. I saw Stella come back with the principal and they were in terror seeing my lifeless arms, blood on the floor, and blood well on me and my clothes. But Nickolas was in terror seeing a 6th grade girl lose her arms and hands. I was the one in most shock my best friend died the day before and now the day after I get my arms cut off so I have no plus in my arms again. (A/n Alright gruesome/ gore part is over now)

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