A/N (I have a lot 030)

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So, yes I do have some news for you guys that read this book. Yes, this is about the Billy chapter.

The billy chapter is taking longer to write than I expected it to be. I'm really busy at the moment with cross country and art. I really don't want to put this book on hold sooo, Except some very slow updates. 

Also another thing is that school is coming up for me. I start school in September after labor day so I'm going to be more busy than usual. I'm also in clubs there too so, from all of my books except some very slow updates.  

So, here is something up to make up for a month long of writing that I wasted 

  Today I was so ready for well just today! Reason being is that it's yet again another one of my Baseball games. Let me just tell you I am a probably professional Baseball payer even though I am in 8th grade but I've been playing since I was a little boy so, of course I would be good at it. I was just walking down the halls with my best friend Nickolas or Nick as other people like to call him. He's a really good friend to hang out with and one time I even kissed him at his birthday when I was little! I don't even know why I did it but I just did it.   

Yeah a little preview of the chapter. I bascially already messed up (A/N Spoilers if you are new and you didn't read the chapters yet) because as you all know in nick's chapter they both see Sabrina get her arms cut off by the mysterious person with a chainsaw but, me being the forgetful person I am I forgot to add that part in! (A/N now you can continue reading if you skipped the spoiler)  Besides I am going to add in the kissing part of it to Billy's chapter, I'm just slowly writing it and trying to get it done with out having to forget anymore parts.

Sorry if you guys thought this was a new chapter *sighs* I'm working on that and more book drafts (I have like 5 drafts and 1 new book that I still need to write so please be patient).

Just a little heads up for the new book though (the drafts you can already try to guess the books I've stopped telling by now). It is kinda depressing and I did get the Idea to write it from SapphireEternity 's book. Which is really good and I suggest that you go check it out. The book is called Never Say Goodbye (Depressed Balloon x Suitcase) It's really good but, it does have some suicide in it.

So yeah, Please be patient for me to update this chapter. I'm really extremely sorry that I'm making you guys wait this long to update just this single chapter.

I'll see you guys later, <3


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