Nickolas "Nick" Silver Ashburn

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I make this chapter in honer of my friend/sister. Why is because this is one of her favorite characters in the inanimate insanity series. So please follow her(she does really good art but you have limited time to look at it!). Stalkalicious plz follow her! Also another fact about her is that she was the one who came up with the idea of this story(she mentioned it).

So yeah now to get onto the story here is the story of Nickolas's (Nick) Life

Nickolas's POV.

       I usually spend time with my best friend and maybe possibly crush Billy. We've been friends for a lot of years 9 to be exact by Thalia. Oh right I forgot to say my name. My name is Nickolas Sliver Ashburn. I'm totally not Cole Ashburn's sibling or something like that. (A/N the sarcasm will in Italics so that way you guys know which one is sarcasm or not) If you just didn't take a little hint there I do sarcasm and I use it. But I don't use it on Billy because I know how he feels when I use it around him so I'm extremely cautious to not use it around him. Anyways Billy is one of my best friends we've known each other for a long time. The only problem is was that I developed a crush on him. I would go off to his softball/baseball games because there pretty entertaining to watch. Especially the ones where we win a home meet.

        There's a little condition I have too. For some reason I won't leave with out having billy by my side. It's actually kind of weird for me. But one cool thing me and my sooooo not cool brother  is that we collect coins. I would usually collect the nickels and he would collect the pennies. I would some times not miss him but he was pretty cool. But not as cool as Billy is! "Hey nick do you know what where going to be doing today up in class" He ask me questions like this every time after lunch "well I don't actually kno-" I was cut off by a scream in the cafeteria. I saw a dash zoom right past up. It was probably Sabrina she hasn't been holding up since the news of that someone found Benjamin's lifeless body outside with a balloon taped onto his mouth. Some people say that his hand must of had moved or something because it's in a different spot everyday.

         Billy and I rush down to the cafeteria to find Stella on her side breathing heavily and Sabrina probably blocking where Stella used to of had been. Luckily it seamed like nobody was hurt and we all just went back to class but, Billy and I stayed outside of the classroom talking. Till I hear a high pitch scream!!!  (A/N remember last chapter this is the gore part and all disgusting) We both looked over to where it was at. We saw Stella having her one arm get cut off by a chainsaw!!!! Billy and I just started in shock and we're terrified to see Sabrina's lifeless arm laying there on the floor pouring out blood. She held her arm in pain as the other one all of a sudden got chopped off by the same chainsaw!!! She was letting out screams of pain and tears we're going down her face as that was happening. Now her other one was on the floor laying there lifeless bleeding out all the blood it had in it. Now the chainsaw was covered in blood and the shadow disappeared with the chainsaw in it's hands. (A/N now that part is done and over with) Stella rushed over to us and she saw what all of the corpse and blood. Wow I just hope this day couldn't get any better. Oh well Stella called the hospital and they came to get a armless, almost covered in blood, crying Sabrina.

         Honesty all of this is scary to me. First off Stella I think was trying to get killed, secondly Billy is acting very strange and either keeps saying yeah or no, and lastly SABRINA JUST LOST HER ARMS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! I was shaking in fear seeing that for my own eyes. Someone who I know that just lost someone had their arms cut off by a chainsaw by some random shadow guy, girl, thing. Billy come over to me and gives me a hug of comfort which he rarely ever does to me or anybody considering that I neeeveeeerrr even liked hugs. But I just cry in his chest of a little bit while he rubs my back to calm me down. Heheh he always knows the best ways to comfort me.

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