Benjamin Red Helium

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Hey guys this story will be about Benjamin's life and what happened to him just a heads up the chapters will be a little bit gory but they're kinda intrusting so please don't yell at me or my sis ( Stalkalicious ).

Benjamin's POV.

It has just been three years since I moved off to this school. Oh right I forgot to say my name. Hey my name is Benjamin Red Helium. I'm up in 8th grade and I get bullied almost 24/7 by my class mates. I'm also a suicide and depressed person. I've been off to the hospital once or twice because of the cuts on my neck or the cuts on my stomach I can't really remember. I'm writing this in lunch because I usually sit alone. I look around the big lunch room. There are actually 6th and 7th graders up in this lunch room too. Wait..

Who's coming towards me? Nobody ever come near me not even at lunch. Until I realized it was just only Sabrina. Sabrina and I have been friends for two years now since she just moved her two years ago. She's actually like a true best friend to me because we almost done everything together. We actually just started being friends since after she saved me from almost actually dying and saying good bye to my life.
I had to take swimming classes in 7th grade. I remember hearing the coach say something and then I tripped. I fell into the water trying to swim. But the problem being is that I never got taught how to swim. Sabrina a new student at the school was up in 5th grade and they were exploring the middle school. I remember seeing pitch black darkness from having the water up in my lungs and knowing that I don't know how to swim. That made me start to drown I couldn't move my arms or noting I was just sinking to the bottom of the pool and I closed my eyes in regret. All I could hear were just screams of people telling me to swim up but I couldn't because I didn't know how. Then I blacked out. I couldn't see or hearing anything no more but I felt something go around my waste and bring me up to the surface.
The principal or the gym teacher were freaking out I could hear them even though I blacked out. Yet I felt hands on my chest and something or someone mumbling for me to be alive. They started doing CPR on me. I could only get out a little water but the rest went in my lungs and I had a blurry vision. I saw a blurry vision of a girl in pigtails it seemed like. I got more water out of me by the second and I could talk and breath again but I couldn't see clearly still. The girl just hugs on close to me crying on my chest and I look softly at her to reveal to myself. A little 5th grade girl holding onto my chest crying her eyes out to be sure I was okay but I'm actually surprised to realize that a 5th grader saved my life that day but after that when It was during her lunch time I was sitting out of swimming and we decided to talk a little bit. It turned out that her name was Sabrina Casket and she was a new student that just got out of her home schooling too like I used to!
*end of flashback*
"Hello earth to Ben Ben?" I snapped out of realization and look over at Sabrina who was right next to me. "Yes sabrie I'm here" I said back with a little chuckle and she just smiled she almost looks like me but with out the cuts on her stomach. So she's been off to the hospital too for her neck and for visiting me when I was in there for my stomach. We like to give each other little nicknames because it was a easy way of calling one another.
"So are you gonna come off to class or just mess with me" she said with a little bit of stubbornness and courage.
I looked at the time knowing that it was our free period. Truth be told I actually have a crush on her. I mean who couldn't like her she's wonderful! She has brown hair with yellow highlights that are up in pigtails, a cute freckle face, suitcase earnings, her amazing clothes with her suspenders with them, and she has a cute laugh/giggle I can't get off of my mind. "I think we should head off to class sabrie" I told her remembering that teachers think we're there but we're not.

I got up out of my seat and so did Sabrina and we started to walk together along with talking as well. "So Ben Ben what are gonna be doing once you go off to high school?" She asked me off in curiosity. "I don't know sabrie but I know that I'll sure miss you" I stopped walking and covered my mouth. DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT!?!?! "*giggles* I didn't know that you liked me Ben Ben" she said with her cute smile that she always shows to me. "Well I can't keep a secret from you" I say off to her and her cute face. "Well then come here" She said and stopped walking. We are now just in the middle of the hallway and I'm kinda afraid that someone might see us but who cares now. I'm already the laughing and bullying stock of the world so who just would care now. I walks over to where she was standing and I look into her shining brown eyes. She moved closer to me and I moved closer to her.

We actually started to kiss each other when all of a sudden the bell rang and we had to split up. What we actually did was going off to my dorm because apparently the school I've been in for three years. We started running off to the dorms and out of the school but when I started walking I stopped. I saw a shadowy figure in the quarter of my eye so I grab Sabrina's wrist. "I think we should go back inside sabrie" I told her in a scared/ calm voice. "Ben Ben what's going on" She sounds a little scared like I am so she must of had seen the shadow like I did. "I don't know it'll be better inside though" I tell her. I'm trying my very best to protect her right now so I just hold her close. "O-okay Ben ben" She says. I can now sense the sacredness in her voice so, I picked her up bridal style and dashed inside.

*A couple of days later*

After a couple of days after of Sabrina and me saw the shadow. Things haven't been the same for both of us at all. So now I'm just walking off to my dorm but when I look behind me I see the shadow I saw a couple of days ago. So I just started to walk fast but it was still chasing me. (A/N Here comes the creppy/ terrifying part)

I felt something or someone grab my wrist and I turn around in shock till all of a sudden I get a balloon put onto my mouth. I CAN FEEL THE HELIUM SLIPPING INTO MY THOUGHT!!! I start feeling like I can't breath.. The person or thing still has it over my mouth so I can't breath. I feel dizzy. My vision is going blurry. Someone. Just anyone. Help me. I faint and black out. The person leaves me there to die rest of the day. I felt the same hands on my chest trying to get me up. "BEN BEN GET UP!!" She's shouting, she's scared, she's worried, but I can't breath, I can't see, all I can try to see is just what looks like a 6th grade girl. I raise my hand up and touch her cheek lightly. She's holding my hand crying her eyes out watching me take my last breath. So I took it and I die slowly with my best friend trying to get me up her eyes full of tears I think, holding my hand to her heart, shouting for me to wake up between her sobs, and crying her heart out as well. I just wish I could of seen her for the last time before I died...

Well guys this is Benjamin's story. I know it's kind sad trust me I almost cried while writing the last paragraph. But yeah if you can or can't guess who the people are I'll tell you anyways.
Benjamin = Balloon
Sabrina = Suitcase
Also if you can't tell I added some suitloon in there just for some little affects =3 ( DON'T JUDGE I LIKE SUITLOON STILL)
So yeah hoped you guys enjoyed the story!
Total words = 1527 words!!!!
That is a lot of words people!!!

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