Chapter Thirty Four -Wealth-

Start from the beginning

I like the Prince... but maybe not as much as he likes me...

"Don't look so worried. It's my own damn fault anyway."

I lowered my head, focusing my attention on the very first page, my brain tried to read the words but the writing wouldn't register. He loves me... a Prince - soon to be King is in love with me. I bashfully covered my face, the sudden realisation flooding my very being. His actions were genuine... he loves me...


Prince Levi immediately sensed my panic, releasing me from his watchful gaze with a blunt click of his pale fingers. I shakily rose from my seat, leaving my novel balanced upon the stool.

I left his chambers and didn't look back.


Several hours past and I hadn't been requested or forcefully summoned to Prince Levi's room. I sensed he was allowing me time to reflect. The passing of time allowed his words to fully reach my heart.

'I love you.'

My blush deepened; Such a strong voice he spoke... almost like he finally gave in to his desires.

"Oh, Foreigner. What are you doing here?"

I flinched; looking up to meet the warm honey eyes of Lady Ral. She looks rather elegant today. I bowed respectfully, neatening my uniform with a soft exhale. I'm almost relieved to see her...

"How strange not to see you standing beside Levi. I must admit I've become accustomed to seeing the two of you together."

I frowned, rising from my bow with a forced smile. Petra mustn't know... she's only seen Prince Levi's 'punishments'... she's unsure of his emotions behind them.

"I-I requested a resting hour. Sorry to intrude M'lady."

Petra smiled weakly, nodding her head and gently passing me down the hallway. Her status crushed me.

"Very well, I think I'll visit Levi in your absence, if that's alright."

I nodded a single time, deciding to visit the royal gardens instead. Armin might be tending to the tangled flowers... his words may calm me.

"Not at all. See you soon, M'lady."

Petra smirked, swiftly turning left down the golden hallway, leaving me standing idly behind. I need some fresh air... I quickened my pace, becoming desperate to take a breath outside the palace. Clean air...

I past the marble archway with little focus, intent on reaching the wooden doors leading outside. I shakily placed my hand onto the golden handle, stepping outside and into the world of shade the large pear trees provided.

I inhaled deeply.

"(Y/N)? Are y-you okay?"

I looked up from my knees, meeting the strong worried blue eyes of Armin. He's holding a large tool... to trim the flowers? I smiled gently, enjoying laying eyes on such a refreshing sight.

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