Part 15:The continuation of the Senju clan

Start from the beginning

He sat down on a bench with his head held low. For about two hours he sat there. He begrudgingly gets up and walks home.

~end of flashback~

He,quietly,opens the door to their room to find Tsunade on the bed,fast,asleep. Dan quietly walks over and gets onto the bed. He stares at Tsunade a slight smile appearing on her face.

"What took you so long?" Tsunade asks eyes closed.

"You won't like my answer," he sighs.

"What's wrong?" She opens her eyes.

"I've to go on a mission to The Hidden Mist Village to retrieve a scroll," he explains.

"But,"she turns onto her back.

"I know it's two weeks in total to get there and back," he grits his teeth.

Tsunade can see the pain in his eyes. He avoids all eye contact with her looking down. She knows that this is a difficult situation for him being loving and caring as is.

He moves closer;gently rubbing her stomach with both hands. Tsunade pulls up her shirt revealing her bare,over sized,stomach.

She takes his hand and moves it to the lower side of her stomach. Tsunade applies a little pressure on his fingers.

"I feel movement," his face lights up.

He places his head on her stomach;listening. A gentle kick touches his cheek.

"I promise I won't miss your birth. I will be here," he kisses her stomach.

Tsunade fiddles with his hair smiling and listening to him talk to their unborn baby. He pulls down Tsunade's shirt and cuddles up next to her.

The following day ...

Early morning Dan leaves for his mission. Going with him is none other than the copy ninja himself;Kakashi. They make their departure to The Village Hidden in the Mist.

Tsunade waves them off before returning home. For the next couple of hours Dan and Kakashi travel on the dirt road that leads to the border. Passing many inns,gamble houses and resorts along the way.

A few hours later ...

"Kakashi there has to be a faster way to the Hidden Mist?"

"Well,Lord Fourth specifically told us to travel on this road."

"I know but I need to find a faster way there."

"But Captain," Kakashi begins.

"I can't miss the birth of my child but I won't put our mission in jeopardy either or our lives," Dan explains.

They pass a hots prings resort when Dan decides to stop and ask for a faster route. The owner of the resort pulls out a map and points out three routes that are shorter than the one they are traveling on.

"Good luck," the old man hands them the map.

"Much obliged."

They both decide to take the second route. It's faster and safer. The route spares them a day's traveling. Dan is willing to take that odds and get back home a day before his baby is born.

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