Start from the beginning

Raquel rolled her eyes, (even though she thought he was cute too) and turned her back to Zatanna. She was starting to get fed up with him as well.

Kaldur sat next to Connor on one of the other sofas, and Wally eyed the cookies hungrily from the bar stool he was seated on.

"He's like a mini Robin." Artemis replied, flashing an amused smile. All she needed was a camera, and she could use this for blackmail.

"He is a mini Robin. Literally!" Zatanna giggled.

Yep. They were definitely blackmailing the Boy Wonder when they got him back.


That was the hard part- getting him back to normal.

The two girl's smiles faded.

"Alright, Robin! The cookies are out of the oven!" The Martian cheered, and the smaller boy hopped off of the counter just as Wally sped into the kitchen.

"Mmmh. Those look great Green-Cheeks! You always make the best cookies." Wally flirted. Robin gave out a stifled laugh.

"Hey! Why are you laughing at the Wall-Man?" The speedster whined, offended by the younger's outburst.

"That's what you call flirting? Even I could do better."

"Please. Your what, eight?"

"Hey! I'm almost nine!"

"Well guess what Shortie, you look like you're seven! Ha!"

The two boys continued to argue, and Kaldur rubbed his forehead in irritation.

"Ehem." The Atlantean interrupted from the living area, catching both Robin and Wally's attention.
"Oops." They said simultaneously.
The other teens groaned.


After a good twenty minutes of eating cookies, the kids were full.

"How about we take a walk around Happy Harbor? We don't have any missions and Batman is busy." Megan suggested.
"I think I'll stay here." Connor groaned, wanting to be as far away from mini-devil-Robin as possible.

"Please come Connor! I think Robin likes you!" Megan pointed out naively, with a sweet smile.
"I think I'll stay at the Mountain. It is quite hot today." Aqualad said casually.

"I'm gonna stay here too. You guys have fun." Raquel said.

Megan sighed. "Suit yourselves! Do you think any of Robin's clothes still fit him?"

"I'm sure I'll find something." He replied, walking towards the hallway to the bedrooms.

He stopped. "Uhh... Where's my room?"

The Martian laughed. "Connor, why don't you show him?"

'Of course.' The clone thought irritably to himself, leading Robin towards his makeshift room at Mount Justice.

Robin's room was nothing special. Just a normal bed with white sheets, a few shelves, a closet, and a bathroom. He didn't live there permanently, and couldn't risk his secret identity by decorating his room with things including his personal life- so what was the point?

Needless to say, younger Robin was a bit disappointed.

"Wow. This room is soooo boring!" He complained. Connor sighed.

This was going to be a very long day.


Robin walked out with a white t-shirt that was too big, but still did the job. He kept the tights on- hopefully no one would notice- and wore his usual sunglasses which were also oversized.

"I'm here!" He announced, entering the living room where the other teenagers were.

"Nice glasses." Artemis commented with a smirk. In return, Robin winked overdramatically.
"Alright everyone! Let's go for a walk in Happy Harbor! It's almost noon, it should be warm outside." Megan commented, and the others nodded in agreement- except Connor.

"Let's head out!"


"That is quite interesting Master Bruce."

"I don't know why he's a child again. Looks to be about eight or nine." Bruce replied to Alfred as the two sat in the Batcave.
"Where is he now? At Mount Justice, sir?" The butler asked.

"I didn't have much of a choice. I have to get ready for the event, and people would question why I have an eight year old boy with me."

"That is very reasonable, Master Bruce."

"I just hope they won't create any problems."

Suddenly, Bruce received an incoming call from the watchtower.

"Black Canary." The man greeted neutrally.
"When were you going to tell the league that Robin is now a small child, Bruce?!" Dinah scolded from the other end of the call.
"When I wanted to." Bruce replied, glaring.
"I saw security footage of Mount Justice," she sighed. "Looks like they're going to take a walk around Happy Harbor for a bit."

"Sounds decent. I'll be busy tonight at the event, be sure to take care of Robin."

And them the call ended.

To be continued...

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