12 - Give Me Life, Give Me Death

Start from the beginning

This man was mine! I was the one who went through the interviews and watching a freaking assassination with words when bringing Lydia. So I earned to be with this man! And Kendra wasn't going to screw with it!

"I'm honored to meet the sister of the beautiful, strong, independent, and fierce Mia, and who is this?" He asked and I drank the rest of my almost full cup of wine.

"I'm Nolan."

"We're getting married!" Kendra exclaimed, and I choked up the wine and gagged on the side of the table. "Is she okay?" Kendra asked and I held up a hand. "I'm fine!" Everyone freezes and I put myself back together and the pouring another cup of wine.

"Yea I proposed to her just a few minutes ago." Nolan said kind of quiet, he proposed to me here 8 years ago in the same damn place. Dang I married one here, seeing him marrying my sister and I'm out on my first meeting with this billionaire at this restaurant. A lot of history going on! Marc must've seen the pre-meltdown coming.

"Well I wish you the best and hope to see the family. Goodbye." He said kind of dismissing them, Kendra didn't move at first and winked at Marc and plastered a fake smile towards me. "Well it was nice I have to tell mom and dad I'm engaged!" She screamed and they left soon after and he turned around to make sure they were gone.

"So I'm guessing he's the soft spot topic you don't like to discuss, the personal part you don't want to talk about. The reason you drink wine.-"

"I get it okay Marc." I grit my teeth, "You held up, if I was in your spot I would've thought about shooting Kendra's brains out." My mouth drops, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

We laughed at the common goal and toasted to it,


Lydia's POV

Damn my shoes looking good in the moonlight, I'm leaning in a chair, feet propped on the table in this small kitchen I'm so familiar with. So familiar, I already took the money from his little cookie jar. Hell took those damn cookies as well...shit! Cookie's good! There's 8 rooms, 3 bathrooms, and 3 floors. Average house, very roomy and cozy. I didn't get a vibe that anyone else lived here. That's because I killed them, smirking as I wipe a smudge of blood off my cheek.

I had guns of all kinds sprawled out on the table, cleaned them, played with them, danced with them, smoked a blunt, and then finally chilled on this seat. Oh and I put everything back, I'm not a slob. I was about to make something to eat when I see car lights flash through the front windows. The door handle starts to rattle a bit before opening to show the asshole Marc had talked to from his time in Russia.

Kazimir Antonoff,

In a flash I was on my feet and holding a gun, it was Lola. She's my favorite gun, I yawned heavily when my eyes landed on Kazimir Antonoff. "Nice to see you again Antonoff." I smile at him as he placed his briefcase down on the sofa. He loosens his tie before showing his stiff stature. "I don't want any trouble-"

"Bitch you know I'm trouble." Hell man should be grateful I'm in his fucking presence. "Sit down." He begins to decline, saying that he has a lot of work to do. "Kazimir you own one of the biggest trades of trained killers. You still have my information?" He nods quickly fumbling with his fingers,

"My business would fail if I didn't send clients to you."

Pointing Lola at him, "You refer Billionaire Marc Waters to me? My agency? My hometown?" He swallows before slowly rising to his feet. He moves over to the kitchen counter. "Do you want something to eat or did you help yourself to that?" He spits at me and I resist the urge. "Don't push me asshole. I'm seconds away from blowing you away. Sit back down," I threaten,

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