Chapter 10

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"So we're up against that old fart huh?" Hiroto said as he leaned back against the couch. "He shouldn't be that bad to deal with." 

Seiji chuckled. "Quite true. But lately, he's starting to get on my nerves, too." 

"Ah! I get what you mean! That old bastard has been trying to get his hands on the stocks of my company! No way am I going to give my precious stuffed animals away to him!" Ai exclaimed. 

"What's been going on on your side, Seiji, Hiroto?" Ema asked. 

"Hah. He's been trying to gain influence through the entertainment world by asking us if we could sponsor and advertise for him," Hiroto said. "Complete bullshit." 

"It seems like he really has no idea about our alliance," Ryuu said as he glanced through the data on his computer

"If he did, he wouldn't pick a fight with Ema," Ren said as he grabbed two cans of orange soda. Walking over to Ema, he handed her one to which Ema smiled and thanked him. Ren smiled back before the two focused back onto the subject at hand. 

"If I may express my opinion," Seien said as she looked at her laptop screen before her. "It seems like that person is mobilizing some of the bodyguards under my family. He must really think he's worth something to secretly bribe those directly under my control." 

"But they clearly didn't buy it now did they?" Ema said with a grin.

Seien smiled and shook her head. "Of course not. Our family and subordinates are deeply loyal to you. Without your word, we wouldn't dare to move an inch." 

"So Seien's side is clear," Ema said as she tilted her head up. "Ai, stop all stock negotiations with him."

"Yes, Queen!" Ai said with a salutation. 

"Hiroto and Seiji, spread the word to other entertainment industries that they'll stop doing negotiations and business with that man. This is a direct order from me," Ema declared as her eyes lit up with passion. 

"Yes, Queen!" Hiroto and Seiji both said as they saluted. 

"Ryuu, continue looking through all the files available on him including his own privacy. Ask the underground agencies to help you. You specialize in that, no?"

Ryuu smirked. "You know me well, Queen. Of course I'll do everything in my power. The underground black market is well under my control." 

"Seien, sent shinobis after him as well as the other people that are following him. Report their every move and decide what to do," Ema said.

"Yes, Queen," Seien said, bowing. 

"Ren," Ema said as she turned towards the King. 

Ren smiled with an evil intent in his eyes. "Don't worry. I'll stop him from doing negotiations with inside the country as well as outside. There will be no escape route for him." 

"Ren always gets scary when it involves Ema," Ai said as she sighed. "Honestly, I think he would kill someone if Ema didn't stop him from it." 

"Have to 120% agree with that," Ryuu said with a sigh. 

"Hurry up and get to work already," Ren yelled as he threw Ai and Ryuu out of the greenhouse. 

"Violent as always," Juli said as he crossed his arms. 

Ema chuckled. "All that's left is wait for the board meeting." 

"Yuushun's organizing it already?" Ren said with a look of surprise. "That guy's pretty good in this business. You're lucky to have such a person by your side, Ema."

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