Chapter 6

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A/N: The english lyrics are from and it might not correspond to the japanese romaji lyrics in the same line. The english lyrics were written as a full sentence in order to provide a clearer meaning. (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

The wedding started off without a hitch. As the doors opened, revealing Miwa in her lovely wedding dress, everyone stood up and all could see the joyous smile on Rintarou's face.As flower petals were thrown down the aisle, Miwa walked towards Rintarou with the same expression. The two were radiant as they looked at one another. Ema smiled as she clapped along with Juli on her shoulder. After the exchange of vows and rings, the first part of the wedding ended and Ema made her way out to the lobby where people were resting before the party started. 

"That wedding was really beautiful," Ema sighed as she replayed it over in her head. 

"You're too early to think about getting married, Chii!" Juli replied. "Any man that thinks he wants to marry you has to get through me first!" 

Ema chuckled. "Juli..." she said, sighing. 

"Hmph!" Juli retorted. 

Unbeknownst to Ema who was sitting there quietly chatting to Juli, she had gained the attention of several males who were in the area. Her long curly brown here and her pale skin, alongside her short petite wearing a beautiful white frilled rose dress, she looked like a porcelain doll. The middle-aged males were all blushing as they each motioned for each other to go up and talk to her. As the Asahina brothers came walking out, the first thing they saw were a bunch of boys crowded in one area. 

"What's going on here?" Tsubaki asked, curious. 

"Did something happen here?" Ukyo remarked, curious as well. 

As the brothers went up to the crowd, they now could finally see what the commotion was all about. In the middle was their dense little sister, unaware of all the attention she was getting as she continued to talk to her pet squirrel. The brothers glanced at the crowd of boys back and forth, a fearsome expression on their faces. 

"Do they plan to take our cute little sister for themselves?" Kaname asked, ready to fight. 

"To think that they would dare think of such a thing right at our family wedding," Yuusuke added. 

"Although I don't want to be involved in violence, this is something that I can't overlook," Azusa said. 

"Well said, Azusa!" Tsubaki exclaimed. "Bring it on, those who want to take our little sister!" 

"Yeah!" Wataru shouted. 

However, despite their words, the crowd was paying no attention to them, leaving them in the dust. Hikaru laughed at their pathetic attempt while Masaomi and Louis chuckled to himself. Ukyo, Iori, Fuuto, and Subaru just face palmed themselves at how annoyingly embarrassing their family was. Despite the crowd, there was one person that approached the young female, not knowing that soon all the boys were glaring at him. He, too, was a bit dense.

"Ema," he said. 

Ema looked up and blinked at him, not knowing why he was standing there before her. "Is there something I can help you with, Natsume-san?"

Natsume nodded his head. He rubbed the back of his neck slightly, not knowing how he should go with what he had wanted to say. 

"The thing is..." Natsume began saying as he looked towards Ema. Ema blinked, tilting her head to the side a little. "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" was all she could say. 

"For my rudeness earlier," Natsume said, elaborating. "I didn't know that you were a part of the family so I kind of said some rude words back there."

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