Thank you

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  • Dedicated kay To all who have read the book till the End

Dear Reader!

I must Thank you! Now I hope you have an Idea of what CHD is. Congenital Heart Defect. The last few I mentioned ICD which is Implant Cardiovascular Defibrillator. People that have these typically have some form of CHD. I goal of this book was just to show how many people have a type of CHD. See all these people I wrote know so many other people. knowing each other and there family and friends are effected by it and it like the ripple effect.  There is just do many people out there. but people do not know. Help me and my friends get the word out there! CHD kills 4X more kids and teens then cancer does in a year!  one in every 100 children are born with some type of CHD. There are 2000000 people out there that have some type of CHD. half of that are just adults! That is alot of very young people!  Help me get the word out! CHD kills CHD effects more people then people realize. Thanks for taking to read my CHD book. Have a great rest of your day/night/evening.


CHD is RealTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon