Valentines day!

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Happy Valentines day Everyone! I hope you all have a good one.

Ever tell yourself you wish you had that special someone? I know I do. Its hard when there away and you can't see them. This year I do have a Valentine but we are in a long distance relationship right now so we could not go out today. I hope he does call me at least. :)  There is a school dance tonight, No I am not going. I could not find it to go.We also have Boys and Girls home Basketball games tonight. I did not make it on Court like I dream of I would have been. I am not popular enough to even get on it. So because there is home game that means for me as a band member, Pep Band tonight! This means the Band plays between the girls game and the boys game. Girls finish up and Guys warm up. Personally I do not like going to Pep games usually. I rather stay up and chat with the guy  that I care for so much. My Valentine. <3

Valentines day is more to be then just hanging out with a person I care alot for. My Heart friends/Friends with CHD call the day we had our first open heart surgery our CHD Birthday! Today is mine. Yes I was 18 months old on February 13  and on February 14 at 8months old I had my Open Heart Surgery. Yes My heart was literally worked on on Valentines day!

Hope your Day is going well <3

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