Rachel's Parents

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I am beyond grateful for my parents. Both my mother and my father.  Little on my parents.

Dad- A wonderful Guy who loves Jesus. Has showed us (Rachel and her sibling) How to love God. He plays Music. (The Accordion) and has for a very long time. I knew that before I was even born that he played music. (according to my mother) Dad also goes to work

Mom- She is a hard stay at home mom who does everything she can to make us kids happy. ( has to be reasonable)

When Rachel is in the hospital both parents are there next to her bed cheering her on even when they find it extremely hard to be happy or when things get rough and do not know how to answer Rachel's  questions. When those questions get answered and Rachel want to cry mom and Dad are there and let Rachel cry on them for awhile and try and con fort her.

Rachel will always be There first Child. Baby Girl!  We still do not know where all of  Rachel's Heart problems came from but both sides of the family have another person with some kind of heart problem.

Rachel's Parents have been Married for 25 years and going strong on year 26. :) (this year, 2014)

Rachel is and always will be super proud of her parents. She wants to be married for a lifetime commitment just like her parents are. Once he asked Rachel and she says YES and they get married there is NO turning Back!  Stuck with me for 26+ years Hun!

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