Letter 2 CHD/Cancer

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Dear  Cancer,

Why in the world do you dominate getting attention from people? Everyone knows about you and even changes profile pics on facebook purple so a company can give money to your cause because of how many people you effect. This in all honestly drives me berserk. Crazy! THIS IS FEBRUARY! HEART MONTH! CHD MONTH. GET OUT NOW! You can have the rest of the  11 months of the year but back off February. valentines day is a heart holiday so CHD is a heart defect. People Get cancer for many reasons but CHD people are born with and don't have a choice of not getting it or not are as cancer you have the choice. (weather people know it or not) GET OUT OF FEBUARY NOW! NOW! YOU DON'T NEED ALL THE ATTENTION YEAR ROUND. CHD SHOULD SINCE IT KILLS MORE BABIES AND TEENS THEN YOU DO!  you don't get alot of people mad at you and write you letters so I am glad I am different and I can. I am upset.


CHD survivor

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