Rachels Siblings

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Rachel is the oldest out of three Children. Sarah and Isaac are her siblings names.

Sarah is the middle child and Isaac is the last Child.

No they do not have Heart problems or CHD. Rachel is the only one out of three that has a CHD.

People ask Rachel's mom once in awhile if she intended for all three of us to have bible names or if it just happened that way. Rachel's Parents did plan that.

About Sarah. This year in 2014 Sarah is in the 9th grade and loves it. she is 15 years old. She has a good group of friends to hang out with and giggle with. best part is there all sisters in Christ. :) Sarahs favorite subject is Math! Crazy I know but it is all because of the teacher and how this person teaches the class. That really is amazing. Don't you think? Sarah is also involved in some after school activities some her and Rachel do together and some they do not do together.

Isaac: the year 2014 Isaac is in the 6th grade and loves it. He is on Yearbook staff, and Chess Club.  He has good friends too. He is the sweetest thing when you need help with some kind of technology  problem He is the one you call. his teachers don't know what to do and he is out of his seat fixing the problem. most of the time if a teacher  needs help he or she will just call him over to help. If Rachel or Sarah need help spelling a word you ask him and he tells you how to spell it and it is correct.  these words are sometimes long and or you do not use them alot. Wow!

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