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Girls Won! We are on a role!

Boys game was winning at half time. Other team came up quick but 4th quarter are boys played a bit harder and we won that game.

This one game made me feel special. See the money the school got from this game all went . All to the Wes Leonard heart Foundation. His story is on his webpage. (There a link you may look at) but he died because of CHD. They had no idea until it was to late. :(

This made me feel special how? People at the game learned about CHD what it is, different types of it, how to get tested. (Does not hurt one bit and takes a few min.) Also symptoms of a possible Heart case of CHD.

At half time of the boys game I was recognized as a CHD survivor. The boys and girls team signed a basketball and gave it to me. The athletic director told my story in one min to everyone there. The band cheered my name. (I am a band member) It was a night I will never forget.

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