To Maddison

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  • Dedicado a Maddison


I am so Glad that you and I are friends. We met in kind of a strange way though. I am thinking about you today and since February is just in a few few weeks and CHD awareness is coming up, I think of all my friends that have a ICD or a heart problem and do not have an ICD. I was 16 when My ICD came in my life and so I cant imagine how hard it was for you to be a bit younger and have it. I can though being a teen and have friends and tell people about my ICD it was scary to at the beginning. I hope it gotten better for you. It has for me. You will get better at it though promise! :D So much has gone in my life already since we have really talked back in October. My health is fine now, that has not dramatically changed at all. If it were not for the ICD connections we would never have met back up to chat! That is kind of scary to think about don't ya think? I am really happy to know I am not alone fighting CHD or having a ICD alone. We can and will do it together cause that is what friends are for! I am Blessed to know you and call you my FRIEND! <3

CHD/ICD  Best Freiend

Rachel K

CHD is RealDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora