Chapter 5 - The Singing Tree

Start from the beginning

Standing up from the luxurious bed, she wandered over to one of the large windows. Her room overlooked the entire city. The buildings and houses seemed to stretch for miles in every direction and her eyes scanned the horizon in fascination. So many people, so many lives, all interconnected in this one city. Was Sasnia the same?

Anastasia shook her head. Why was she thinking of such things now of all times? Sasnia was no more her home than Gamaliel was. She did not know it from any other city. The only home she could claim was in her little village - a home that she missed deeply and dearly.

A knock at the door turned her attention from the view. Cesare peaked his head in, grinning his usual grin, "Good morning, princess!"

He enunciated her title and she wanted to spit at his feet. Despite him withholding information from her yesterday, she couldn't find herself disliking him.

"Cesare, please, call me Asa," she insisted, not liking the way he was frowning at her.

"You know, the king told me that wasn't your real name. He said it is Anastasia," Cesare said, gaging her reaction.

Anastasia scoffed. Of course the king told him her real name. He apparently knew everything about her now. "I would still prefer it if you called me Asa," she said, matching his gaze.

"Fine, I will continue to call you Asa. But can you say it one more time for me?" he said, his chocolate eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Asa?" she questioned, confused by his request.

"No, no, say my name again," he shot back, a goofy grin on his face.

Anastasia knit her eyebrows together in confusion but complied anyway, "Cesare?"

It had come out more like a question but he didn't seem to mind as he beamed down at her. "Fantastic! Now, let's go explore the castle! I get to be your tour guide today," he said cheerily, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her out of the room.

Cesare led her to every corner of the castle, telling her stories about most of the rooms they passed. Anastasia took the opportunity to memorize as much of the castle layout as possible, but it was proving difficult since the place was built like a maze.

Coming to an inner courtyard that was open to all levels of the castle, Cesare stopped and leaned over the railing.

"And this, Asa, is the best place to take a nap!" he said, pointing to the large tree that stood in the middle. It was blooming with a cascade of beautiful flowers, many of which had shed their petals, littering the carefully manicured grass in a carpet of pale pink. Anastasia stared wide eyed at the tree. It was so beautiful. A wayward petal floated by and Anastasia reached out to touch it. As elusive as the wind, it slipped right through her outstretched fingers and down to the ground.

"Can we go down there?" she asked, turning her grey eyes to Cesare with longing.

He had been staring at her, his chin resting in his hand as he leaned his elbow on the railing. He gave her his signature grin, "Of course."

As they navigated the stairwells, the faint tones of a soft lullaby floated through the air. Anastasia's ears perked up as she strained to listen. It seemed to get louder as they approached the courtyard. They stood on the edge of the grass, Anastasia's eyes raking up the entirety of the tree. It was so much larger now that she was standing right next to it.

The gentle melody continued to play, pulling Anastasia toward the center of the courtyard. It was as if a goddess was humming a soothing lullaby all around her. She paused to take off her boots and socks, letting her toes feel the soft grass as she often had when she was a child. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the peaceful moment as the music filled her ears and the fresh scent of the flowers wrapped around her with the breeze.

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