Chapter 5 - The Singing Tree

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Anastasia woke the next morning with an extremely stiff neck. Her awkward sleeping position on the floor was biting her in the backside... or maybe it was neckside? Rubbing her eyes, she felt the crust of dried blood in her brow. Groaning, she fought against her weary muscles and stood.

There were so many doors in this infernal room! After opening a closet the size of her whole home, a broom cupboard, and another smaller closet, she finally found the en suite, which was just as obnoxiously decorated as the everything else.

She gazed at her horrid appearance in the mirror. There were dark circles under her eyes and blood crusted her forehead and hands. Fortunately, none of the cuts were too deep and they didn't really hurt, but she couldn't believe she had walked all through town looking like she had just murdered someone. And she had met that arrogant king looking like this. She let out another small groan. Her hair was so matted and greasy it looked as if a rat had recently taken its residence on her head. So much for looking intimidating and graceful.

There was a grand tub in the center of the bathroom. The idea of being clean was too much to resist as Anastasia turned the faucets and steaming hot water poured through. When the tub was completely full, she stripped down and stepped into the inviting water. Her sore muscles rejoiced as the heat worked out the tension. She sat in the water until it turned cold and her fingers were pruned. Using the last bit of heat to rub as many scented soaps into her hair and skin, she rinsed off and grabbed a towel from the rack.

A knock on the door startled her as a soft voice from the other side called out. "Excuse me, Miss. I've brought some fresh clothes for you."

Anastasia wrapped the towel tighter around herself and opened the bathroom door. Standing on the other side was a lanky girl about as tall as Anastasia, holding out a pair of trousers and a shirt. Anastasia eyed the clothes wearily. She wanted clean clothes but she knew these had been sent by his holiness, the king.

"I think I'll wear my own clothes, but thank you," she muttered. The maid frowned as she eyed the stinking pile of clothes on the bathroom floor.

"Not to be rude Miss, but those are not suitable for anyone to wear at the moment," she said, crinkling her nose as she set the clean clothes on the bathroom counter and held Anastasia's dirty ones at arm's length.

Anastasia sighed. Maybe giving in this one time would be okay, just until her own clothes were washed. "Fine then," she said, grabbing the clothes from the counter. The maid nodded and turned to leave, Anastasia's clothes still held precariously in her hands.

"Oh, you can leave those here. I will wash them tonight," Anastasia said, motioning to the filthy clothing.

The maid cocked an eyebrow at Anastasia before saying what the girl thought was clearly obvious. "Um, no, ma'am. I will be taking them. You will have them back by tomorrow," she said curtly before exiting the bathroom and closing the bedroom door gently behind her.

Anastasia stared after her. Well, she supposed that's how royalty was supposed to live. She was too young to remember her life in the Sasnia castle, but she imagined it would have been much like this. She was too tired right now to complain if someone else was willing to do her chores for her.

Once Anastasia had combed out her tangled hair, which took about an hour in itself, she sat gingerly on the edge of the bed. She sank right into it as she ran her fingers over the soft comforter. As much as she loved her home with her step father and Rowan, she couldn't help but wonder how different her life as a princess would have been had she not been forced to flee when she was but a babe.

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