Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men

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Austin Carlile:

"Next please" I called loudly over the enormous racket created by a large group of the general public.

The café is never this busy at dinner time but there again, I do not work Saturdays but this week, I didn't have a choice unfortunately.

"Hey, erm..." A tall, slim boy started, "could I please have an Americano?"

"Sure" I replied with a half-sarcastic tone "coming right up. Are you having it in or taking out?"

"Hmm.. I'll take it out please" he spoke. "With you" he continued with a quiet mumble.

I couldn't help but blush at that comment - he is obviously blind! I probably look like a mess - as always - I'm dressed in a pair of skinny jeans with a plain blue top on underneath my Café uniform and my long, brown hair fell loosely past my shoulders.

"I would but I don't get off work for another three hours, sorry" I smiled as I took another person's order but still spoke to this tall mystery man who just so happens to be extremely handsome.

"Awh okay" he looked down at this feet disappointed.

I sauntered over to the coffee machine where i created his Americano, adding additional sprinkles than I was allowed to.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"It's Austin" smiled the boy.

"I like that name, mine's (Y/N)"

"I read your name tag" Austin chuckled, "that's a lovely name, just like yourself".

I blushed again as I wrote his name onto a cup along with my phone number.

"Here you go Austin" I handed him the cup and exchanged money.

"Thanks (Y/N). See you around". Flashing his smile, he winked before leaving the café.

Austin was so cute and such a gentleman. His smile was infectious with his eyes were brown like beautiful pools of creamy chocolate.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)? Get back to work!" My boss shouted at me as I was snapped out of my thought.

I just hope Austin finds my number and calls me...

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