Tony Perry from Pierce The Veil

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"Do you, Tony Perry , take thee, Jessica Hannah Owen to be your wife in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?"

"I will" Agreed Tony with the biggest grin on his face which practically stretched from ear to ear.

"And do you, Jessica Hannah Owen, take thee, Cesar Antonio Perry Soto, to be your husband in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?"

"I will" spoke Jess. A small, happy tear rolled down her soft cheek but Tony quickly reacted and wiped it away gently with his thumb.

"You may now kiss the bride" declared the priest.

Tony grabbed his wife by her hands, pulling her closer to him. They couldn't ignore the feeling of adrenaline rushing through our bodies. Jess couldn't help but blush and all she could hear was the sound of her heart pounding inside her chest; she was utterly head over heals for this guy.

He was my salt, and she was his pepper. They made the perfect couple.

From the pressure of his hands on Jess's, she could tell he was as nervous as she was. Especially when he leaned in, so close, she could smell the minty scent coming from his breath.

She knew they would never forget this moment.

His lips were so warm against hers as they reminded her of soft, little fluffy pillows. Jess lifted her hands out of his, and pulled them up high to his shoulders, where she entwined them with his soft, lbrown hair. He put his hands down at her tiny waist while pulling her closer to his chest. She was his, and he was hers.

Pulling away, they opened their eyes, to a standing ovation from everyone at the ceremony. Smiling, Tony picked up his new wife carrying her down the church isle, which lead outside into the courtyard, where a car was patiently waiting for the pair. They climbed into the vehicle before getting whisked away to their honeymoon.

This was just the start to a new chapter in their lives.

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